We Are Moving Right Along!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Well, this has been quite an eventful week!  For those of you who read my earlier post this week about my special time in the garden ... alone... well.... I have a continuing story to tell!

Monday morning a friend of ours emailed me a listing on craigslist.  Our dear friend JH has found many amazing deals on craigslist, most of them free... and recently we had asked him to keep an eye out for us a deal on a home.  You see, we are trying to get moved out onto property that we purchased several years ago.  Our initial intentions were to build a cozy cabin for the four of us.  However, we soon found out that all the improvements necessary to do such a thing (and try to stay as debt free as possible) were going to go much slower than we anticipated.

So our plans have been adjusted, readjusted, and adjusted some more!  Recently we decided that living in a small single-wide mobile home or small double-wide mobile home while we saved money to build the house of our dreams was the most viable option.  We had run the gamut from thinking about living in RVs, to building a pole barn and living in it while we built, to buying a park model RV trailer, to renovating a shed into a home... all kinds of options!

My head was spinning!  What to do?  Dear Lord, help us!

And so... I had my time in the garden... alone with the Lord on Sunday... and on Monday... things fell into place!

I am still in shock that we are now home owners!  Yes!  We own our home free and clear, praise the Lord!  Our friend JH, who sent us the link for this amazing deal, just happened to be in the town where the home was sitting, and was able to go and look at it for us.  When he told me that that the home was not only structurally intact (it is an older model single wide), but had been completely renovated, including new siding, upgraded T11 insulation on all the walls, new windows, new insulated doors, and new wiring - the upgrades alone were worth far more than we were paying for the house, I knew the Lord's hand was written all over this!

Things fell into place very quickly, and we became the happy owners of our new home!

So... since that took place on Monday, things have gotten rather hectic around here.  You may remember that my husband is out of town... of course!  But, I won't complain.  Yes, I am having to take care of things that he normally would do if he was here.  But the Lord is my gracious helper!  I have such peace about it all!  After all... my time in the garden reassured me completely and I am still walking in the peace and joy that came to me... even in the midst of the many decisions and actions that are taking place.

The seller of the home is quite anxious to have the home moved off his property.  I was hoping to let it sit there until my husband is able to get home, and be part of the moving process.  But... not to be.  So!  Our dear friend JH has most graciously offered to help take off the skirting, and take apart the porches and extra covered porch addition and haul the porch here, along with our son.  They will be doing this tomorrow.  We contacted a mover who has already looked at the home and will move as soon as he can.

Today I met with a contractor who will be able to bring his excavator out to our property this weekend and get the dirt work done that will be necessary before the house can be moved.  He said he was very busy, and actually had a fishing trip planned this weekend, but after hearing my story, he graciously obliged to get the work done this weekend.  Bless his heart! I told him that waiting an extra week for his fishing trip would give the fish more time to get bigger, lol!!

I can't even quite comprehend how it all is falling into place so quickly.  Next, we needed our building permit changed to allow for a mobile home to be moved to the property.  I went to the local county building planning office, and they were extremely busy.  I had to wait for a long time to be helped. Finally the clerk called into the back room and had one of the planners come out to help me.  As he helped me, I asked him what the wait time would be on the permit.  He said, well it normally takes 2-3 weeks, but since I have talked to you, and seen the permit myself, when it comes to my desk in the next day or two, I will automatically approve it... !!!  Wow.

So much has taken place here in the last few days... and I am still kind of in shock about it all!  I haven't even considered the packing effort that will need to be undertaken soon.  However, the Lord has reassured me - one day at a time.  Work with what you've got today, and tomorrow will take care of itself!

As this has been happening, I was reminded how the Lord showed me some time ago about how to pray.  In the Lord's prayer, it begins with "Give us this day our daily bread".  I heard quite clearly that we are not to pray and be concerned with things of tomorrow, but to just ask Him for our bread, our needs today.  That was quite a shock to me.  I mean... I want to be able to plan, to know what the future holds for us.... but I was quite amazed to learn that is not so in the life of the believer.

How many times has the Lord provided EXACTLY what you needed, just in the extreme very moment you needed it?  I would say a thousand times one thousand.... or every.single.time!

Yes, the Lord takes care of us.. and if we just walk with Him moment by moment, trusting Him for our needs today... Give us THIS DAY our daily bread.... the future will work itself out, in the Lord's time!

What reassurance this is!  I live by faith, I walk by faith, and I have enough for today.  His manna is sufficient for today!

Well friends... I am learning day by day to walk with the Lord, trust Him for each daily need... and believe and have faith for the rest that I don't know.  And that is enough!

I don't have a single picture to show you of the home we bought!  I haven't even seen it yet!  The listing has already been deleted on Craigslist, and while I have a printed copy, I don't have a picture to show you.  We own a home I have't even seen in person!    Faith, faith, faith!  My my!

Well, I will keep you posted on this adventurous life we are living, one day at a time!  I pray that the Lord's hand is upon your life as well... that you too are learning to walk by faith, and realizing it is our daily bread that He wants to supply us with... one day at a time!


  1. Congratulations! I guess your time alone this weekend was truly time well spent! It all seems very meant to be. I wish you all the best in your new home! ♡

    1. Indeed, it amazingly was! Thank you for your well wishes... and I have a lot of work ahead of me... downsizing and moving, but it is all very exciting! :)

  2. That is so exciting! I am so happy for you!

    1. Thanks Lynne... I'm still pinching myself to believe it, lol! :)

  3. Congratulations! This is such a victory!

    Hugs and happy homemaking,

    1. Indeed, I had no idea what the Lord had in mind... just one more example of why faith is the trusted ingredient in our lives, lol! :)

  4. Yay!! That's exactly the way the Lord works with me, too... He gives me my bread day by day.... And then when the huge feast comes, it's suddenly upon me, and I'm just rolling with the Lord! haha :-) Sounds like it's going very fast for you, too.

    Please let me know if I can help you with packing. I am actually getting some of our stuff packed, too, because.... We are ordering our shed tomorrow, Lord willing! We met with the guy today and got our final quote. We made a few adjustments and are quite pleased with what we're getting and the cost. I've already transplanted several of my plants to the new land, and our chicken coop project has also been moved out to where we'll be living. Seems like we are in a very similar season of life at the moment. haha :-) Exciting times!

    Again, I am SOOOO glad for y'all getting a home. I can't wait to see it!! :-) God is GOOD.


    1. Thank you for your offer of packing! I may take you up on it! lol.... I do have a lot of work ahead of me, but for now, I am just taking it one day at a time. We have work to do on the inside of the trailer, so it could be some time yet before we get to move in, but it is so very exiting! And I am thrilled to hear that the Lord is opening doors for you to move onto your land too... how amazing that things came together for both of us in the same week!!! Wow! Indeed... GOD IS SO GOOD! I'll be glad to help you too, if your time of moving comes before mine! Much love and hugs :)

  5. What a wonderful testimony!! Praise God for how He is working things out for you!!! It really increases my faith in light of some things we are facing in our own lives. Thank you so much for sharing, and I look forward to seeing pictures of your new home!! I trust all goes well with the move and the dear Lord continues to let everything fall into place.

    1. Indeed... what a faith builder this has been! When the Lord moves, it is amazing how things fall into place! I will never ever cease to be amazed or thankful at His mighty handiwork in our lives! One day at a time sprinkled with lots of faith makes life a wonderful adventure! I will certainly post pictures when I can... we have quite a bit of work to do on the inside, painting, cabinets, floors... but for the price we paid... those are just minor things! God is so good! Praying the Lord blesses your day in all you do! :)

  6. The Lord's timing is always perfect. I am blessed along with you that things have opened up for a new home...and debt free living! How wonderful to have such grace and blessings.
    Rejoicing with you.......Shirley

    1. Isn't it amazing at the Lord's timing! I never even would have guessed on Sunday that on Monday we would be the happy owners of our next home! The Lord always has a way of working things out that we would never have imagined. What an adventure as we walk with Him! I pray the Lord blesses your day richly with bountiful blessings from on high :)

  7. What an amazing testimony!! How exciting for all of you!
    Proof that He sees the big picture. We just have to trust, and follow His plan for our lives. sometimes that's easier said than done...but when we do...look at the blessings!!

    1. Indeed, so thankful He sees the big picture, while we are struggling with the puzzle piece! I'm glad his masterpiece doesn't depend on my interpretation of the puzzle piece too. So much better to trust His ways! Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts today, and I pray the Lord blesses you richly with His presence today!

  8. Meant to be for sure! That nice garden talk you had with the Lord really did wonders. Isn't it wonderful how he blesses our lives? When hubby and I were first married we bought a single wide mobile home and lived in it while he was going to college. It was very nice and much better than throwing money away on rent. Can't wait to see your new home!

    1. That is exactly our thoughts as well! We would rather live simply and save our money, and that is what we intend to do! It will not be the easiest transition to downsize, but the Lord is my helper, and I am just taking one day at a time! Thank you so much for your visit today, and I pray the Lord blesses you richly with His presence today :)

  9. Very happy to hear about the answer to your prayer's! God alway's looks after us. A beautiful post.

  10. Congratulations! What a beautiful story of God's loving care for you and your family :)


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