A Secret Spot Crossing the Railroad of Life

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Last weekend, our dear friends R & Z asked if we had any plans for the evening, if we wanted to go exploring, and if we did, did we know of somewhere we could go to hike (not too far away).  I thought for a moment, and then I knew... I remembered a little spot just off the road that we had found last summer while boating on the river, just outside town.  We had beached our boat on the shore, and walked the shoreline, and happened upon a little trail that eventually brought one out to the main highway.  It actually turned out to be part of a nature preserve that was started many years ago, and had fallen into somewhat disrepair, with only an old sign to mark it.  I'd wanted to go back different times, but that had never happened. However, this past weekend, I knew that was exactly where we could go.

As we walked down the little winding trail towards the lake, we spotted these beautiful blue and yellow flowers.  They were most dainty in appearance, and gracefully waving in the breeze.

And a lovely gathering of lupins greeted us as well!

Their lush and fragrant purple-blue flowers were a delight to behold. 

As we got down to the river, the sun was shedding its last rays for the day.

There was a warm glow over the darkening landscape.

In case you haven't discovered this yet about me... I simply LOOOVE sunsets! ....

There is something so peaceful and calm about the transition from daylight to dark, and it always soothes my soul to revel in the beauty of the moment.

We spotted four goslings hiding in the bushes, or rather we heard them.  Momma had flown into the water and was calling out to them, and they were calling back to her.

It was so wonderful to watch the miracle of life in action with Momma calling out to the babies and guiding them to her.  We stood and watched as the previously hidden babies came running out of hiding and went sliding down the rocky slope into the water to join Momma for the night.  There were four of them, but only three in this picture, as the fourth one ran quite a bit farther down the bank before venturing into the water, and I wasn't able to get them all in the picture together.

The soft light of the last rays of sunshine cast their last rosy tones over the landscape.  

As we crossed back across the railroad after our lovely hike was over, I couldn't help be amazed at this picture of the symmetrical lines of the railroad extending into the distant horizon, covered with the orange glow of the setting sun.

Something about railroads and how they stretch into the horizon, reminded me of our lives and how when we are young, they stretch out before us endlessly.  Yet... each passing day the older we get, brings us closer to the horizon of life where there is an ending, and we must prepare now, while there is daylight for the time when the end of the line is reached.

May the lines and roads of your life follow purpose 
as you focus on the Divine One 
Who is able to guide and lead us safely 
along this railroad of life, 
around each corner, hill, and plain 
to that place in the far distant horizon... 
where the sun never sets....  
Remember to enjoy the journey as you travel... 
you may never pass this way again.  

May the Lord bless the "railroad" of your life  
with a secret spot along the way 
to brighten and calm 
your life with its beauty today.  


  1. You live in an amazingly beautiful part of the world.

    1. Yes, I really am blessed to live in an amazing place that remains mostly out of the limelight, and that is fine by me! Thank you for stopping by today :)

  2. So, so beautiful :0) mari

  3. BEAUTIFUL pictures! Thanks for taking us along ;-)
    Lori from LL Farm

    1. Thanks Lori! Am glad you were able to stop by and "walk" along with me! It is one of my favorite things to do - explore the beautiful place I live in... God's creativity in nature never ceases to amaze me! Have a great day!

  4. Sigh...This post has come at the end of my day and my was it ever perfect. Oh the beauty you have shared with us, WOW! Who wouldn't love a sunset, or sunrise for that matter?
    I loved the way you tied in the railroad with our lives, amen, amen.
    May we allow our journeys to be beautiful in the good and the bad.Because with Christ, all things are good and for our good.

    Lovely post, Thank you.
    Blessings~ Debbie

    1. I'm so thankful that your visit here was blessed Debbie, and am so thankful for every moment that I get to witness the incredible creativity of the Lord in His creation! I never quite capture it with my camera just how I see and feel it, but one can always try! Indeed, our journey with Christ is simply the best there is. I'm glad I'm on this railroad of life with Him :) Blessings and love to you today!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Wow!

    1. Thank you so much Linda, I'm glad that you enjoyed our little "secret spot".. I hope you can find one close by you to enjoy as well! I've found that they are everywhere, you just have to look :) Blessings and hugs to you today, and I appreciate your visit!

  6. I really enjoyed your post. The words, and images are so beautiful. You gave my spirit a lift.

    1. Thanks Debbie! I'm so glad you were able to stop by, and enjoy the "walk" with us... may the Lord continue to bless your day as well, with a little "secret spot" along the way to encourage and bless you - they are everywhere, you just have to look for them! Love and hugs!

  7. I know I've said it before, but you live in a really beautiful part of the country. Even the railroad tracks are poetic and romantic. Not so where I live! ;) I love how you take full advantage of all the loveliness nature has to offer in your neck of the woods. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Yes Kim, I realize we are tremendously blessed to live in the beautiful area we do that has largely remained out of the spotlight of the rest of the world, and I hope it stays that way, lol! I just love railroad tracks, there is something about them that speaks to me every time I see one. Glad you enjoyed the little "hike", and hope your day is full of wonderful things, and perhaps a little secret spot along the way - they are everywhere, but you just have to look (smile). Have a blessed day my friend :)

  8. Hi there, thanks so much for your visit today, I appreciate your kind words :)

  9. Well Hello There! I just LOVE all your photos! They are stunning! It looks as though you had a wonderful little hike. I must say that last photo of the railroads tracks with the sunset is BEAUTIFUL!

    What you wrote at the end about our railroad and it's purpose it so thought provoking. I love it! God does have a plan and a future for us and we just need to continue on our railroad....Yes, Love it!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Hi Amy! Good to see you, as I know you've been busy! I'm glad you enjoyed our little "hike" together, and also my thoughts on our railroad of life. I like poetic thoughts that put life into better perspective for me (smile). I hope you have recovered from the snow over Mother's Day, and are enjoying more sunshine! Blessings and hugs to you my friend!

  10. You have a gift for writing, and you pictures are beautiful too! I loved reading this beautiful post!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I am thankful that you enjoyed the post, and the pictures.. photography brings me great joy to be able to share with others the beauty of the magnificent creation our Lord made for us. Thanks for your visit! I apologize for the lateness of responding to your comment, it has been a busy week. Many blessings sent your way today :)

  11. Thank you for your visit Teri! I apologize for being so late to making rounds and responding to comments, as it has been a busy week. I hope your weekend was wonderful and full of special memories. :)


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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