How can it be October 31st! How did the days pass so quickly? I have been trying to post an update for the entire month of October, and have just been unable to sit down long enough to finish the post. We were blessed with an incredible extended growing season here, and between the garden, a camping/hunting trip, and a quick trip to Canada to see my Gram who is ill... October has just gotten away from me! I have so much to share with you, so I will try to make it up to you in November. But for now... I have to share a few quick photos of my garden, and a treat for you at the end of the post... a video tour of my garden in all its glory before frost claimed it for the season.
Oh my heart! Now when I see the lush beauty here, it is a beautiful reminder of the glorious beauty I got to enjoy all season... gone now... but still, it was an incredible season of bounty in the garden this year! |
In late October, just before our freeze... the fog is rising up from the cool air. I knew the days of beauty were numbered here... |
Saving tomato seeds! Have you ever saved your tomato seeds? These are heirloom tomatoes and so very easy to collect seeds from. Just take the pulp from your best tomato of each variety, and then place it in a clean glass jar, add some water, and cover. Let sit for 4-5 days, or until the pulp has fermented away from the seeds. Add a bit of fresh cool water, and the seeds will drift to the bottom of the jar, where you can capture them and place them on a paper towel to finish drying out. |
I have dehydrated a lot of my zucchini and yellow squash this year - they are yummy to nibble on as a snack or add to soups and stews as desired. |
Canning up those tomatoes! |
Still enjoying strawberries from the garden! This has set a record, I do believe! Here it is almost November, and my overbearing strawberry variety is still bearing!
I kept my hummingbird feeders out, and had a late visitor! This was taken in mid October! |
The sunflowers were outstanding this year... I will leave them standing through the winter for the birds to enjoy. I have also collected seeds for next year. |
Glorious sunshine! |
A foggy October morning! |
Marigolds are the Autumn stars of my garden... how I love these glorious blooming beauties. They serve a dual purpose - both pests and bees love them, and they add such beauty too. I start all my marigolds from seeds I collect each year. |
Below, you can click the link to take you to a video I made in early fall as I walked through my garden, and I share many of my favorite gardening and seed-collecting tips. I hope you will enjoy it!
I will be back hopefully within a few days to share with you pictures from our camping/hunting trip, and also my trip back home to Canada to see my Gram. So much to share - literally! I took 1500+ pictures while I was home in Canada... so it is taking me a while to work through all those pictures!
Happy Fall blessings to all of you, my dear faithful readers, with love and hugs to all of you!
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