Finding Beauty in the Midst of Drab Days

Saturday, February 7, 2015

We have been having a very, very drab dreary slew of weather here recently!  This winter seems to have been full of very foggy, overcast, drippy, wet, sloppy, muddy weather.  Certainly not the kind of weather you usually expect in February!

But even though the day was overcast and cloudy, my husband and I took a drive just to get out of the house.

We drove down to a spot that we have visited many times in the past.  The acreage is for sale, and has been for the last several years.  It is a 20-acre piece of land that has been subdivided into 5 acre plots, and to our knowledge, is still for sale.  We considered buying it before we found our own "piece of heaven" that we bought, but we still like to come back here and walk around it at times.

The reason we love it so much is because there is a beautiful creek that runs through the property that is home to several beavers and other wildlife.

So, I took a video of the little happy creek for you to hear the gentle melodious song that brightened our world as we stood there and listened.

There is low-lying fog in the air today as the warmer air is mixing with the cold snow, and so there is a hazy mist rising all over the creek area.  As we stood there and listened to the creek sing its song, I knew that we had come to the right place.  I needed to hear the song of the creek on such a gloomy overcast day, and instantly I felt my spirits lift as I realized that even in the midst of dreariness - somewhere you can find beauty if you are looking for it!  

Part of the road leading down to the creek.  Upon the hill to the left in the picture, you can see where the "house site" could be.  We've often thought that a house with a daylight basement would be perfect here.

Wouldn't it be lovely to have this view out your front porch!  We considered buying this property, but couldn't, because the price tag for it is was beyond our budget.  But... it is always nice to dream!

The creek continues through the property, and we followed it for a short distance as it bubbled happily along.

In the midst of the dreary, overcast day, it brought great joy into our hearts today to soak in the beauty of this little creek.

Even in the shroud of fog, there was a quiet peace and stillness in the area that was full of its own beauty.

After leaving the simple beauty of the creek, we drove into town where the fog was lifting in places over the mountains.

The water was a stormy gray color, and the skies were solemn and overcast, as the fog draped itself over the mountains.

Yes, even on gray, overcast, foggy days, there is still a certain charm about it all that you can't deny!

After leaving town, we drove over to the property we purchased several years ago to walk around it for a bit.  You could see the foggy mist rising over the snowcovered landscape here, even as the warm weather was mixing with the cold, and the snow is melting away, little by little.

Our neighbors' horses didn't seem to thrilled about the weather today at all!

But I was glad that even though the fog, overcast skies, and dreary day hadn't improved.... we had found a way to enjoy even the dreariness, such as it is.  :)


  1. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics & for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for stopping by to visit! It is always wonderful to make new blogging friends :)

  2. You always have a way of turning the ordinary things of life into something beautiful. The sounds from the creek were clear and delightful to hear.
    Thank you!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the little video of the creek. It was a truly beautiful moment that we enjoyed!!!!

  3. Isn't it amazing how even on those dreary, foggy days that it still can be beautiful as ever?! What awesome pictures you took to reflect on God's beauty all around!

    What a little piece of heaven you all have around you. Simply stunning!

    I hope you have a lovely day!


    1. Yes, we feel very blessed here - even in the foggy days that we have gotten a lot of lately, there is always something to be thankful for! Thanks for stopping by Amy!!!!

  4. You know, there really is! Many times we have "dreary days" here, and a nice cup of hot tea always makes things better! Blessings to you and yours :)

  5. Love that video! The sound of the creek is so soothing. It makes me smile! Thank you.

    1. I know, I love listening to the music of the creek! It is so soothing to me :) Thanks for stopping by!


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