A truly GLORIOUS Christmas!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

This was absolutely the most amazing Christmas Day one could ever have!  The sun came out for the day - we've had mostly clouds the past few days - and the skies put on the most glorious colors you have ever seen!  It was a spectacular day as we celebrated and praised the Lord all day for the most beautiful gift ever given to mankind... and the skies seemed to celebrate with us!

It was an amazing, breathtaking day indeed!  There was sweet joy of being with our family enjoying precious and special moments together as we read the Christmas story together, and gave praise to the Lord for the joy His birth brought into our lives, as we enjoyed food and fellowship, and special gifts given to those we love.

As the day passed, while we were busy in the kitchen cooking up a special meal, I couldn't keep from looking outside, and seeing the beauty unfolding outside... I then sent my daughter outside to get some pictures for me.... she did a beautiful job, and I was so thankful to have these pictures!

Lots of snow showers from the trees as the snow falls off the limbs and fills the air with snow...

Rosy skies against the snow laden trees...

The dogs were having fun playing in the snow that was chest deep for them!

The skies blushing with sweet joy..

As the sun began to set... the sky was filled with amazing colors that constantly changed across the horizon...

It was a magnificent day ... and how thankful we were to live in this beautiful country celebrating the blessed birth of our Savior with family and friends.  It was a very blessed Christmas indeed!  I pray that the presence of the Lord made its abode with you and your family this season.  :)


  1. Dearest Marilyn...oh my! What breathtaking photographs...you live in a gorgeous part of the world, and I am so thankful you shared this unique beauty with us...
    Christmas blessings and joy to you...we too had a special day celebrating the birth of our King, Jesus!
    Much love and hugs to you...enjoy your Lord's day!

    1. Dear Kelly-Anne, what joy it was to celebrate the birth of the Lord on such a breathtaking day filled with beauty! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures, and that you had such a special day yourself celebrating the birth of our Lord! I do hope to get by to visit you soon. It has been quite busy around here with the holidays. We are supposed to get more snow this afternoon too! Exciting for sure! Praying the Lord continues to bless your sweet family in a beautiful way :)

  2. Glorious, in deed!
    Thank you for sharing the slender of God's beauty that filled your day with joy and praise.
    Every photo speaks so clearly of the hand work of God.

    Your Christmas Day sounded as if it was as glorious as your photos.
    Your daughter did a fabulous job snapping the photos.

    Love to you, dear friend

    1. Oh my goodness, the amazing views that we have had over the last several weeks with the snow have just been so amazing! It was such a joyous day of celebrating the Lord's birth, and seeing the beauty in the skies too. My daughter definitely is gifted in so many ways, she is an artist, and now wants to paint some of the pictures she took... I can't wait to see them!

      Praying that today is blessed in every way dear friend, and I sure appreciate your visits here! :)

  3. Oh, my! These glorious pictures!!! I am amazed a our big, awesome God, and how He had provided such beauty for us in this world. So thankful for you, dear friend, and for your wonderful photos. I think your daughter has truly been influenced by her mama. She did an amazing job, too!! Sending you much love and many hugs. :)

    1. It truly was a most amazing and glorious Christmas, one that we will remember for years to come! I don't know how the Lord could have made the day any sweeter than it was! I was so thankful for our daughter to take the pictures and she has promised me she is going to paint one of the photographs she took soon, and I can't wait. She is quite the talented artist, if I may "brag" on her a bit {smiles} Sure do appreciate you dear friend, and I give thanks to the Lord for your friendship! Praying the Lord continues to bless you in a sweet and precious way! :)

  4. So Beautiful! The snow on the branches look like white lace. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us.

    1. Oh, that is so true Gina! If one can ever get tired of looking up, it might be here, in this beautiful country we live in where every tree is an incredible work of art graced in snow! Oh my! We are to get more snow today too... stay tuned... lol! Hope you are having a blessed and wonderful day! :)

  5. Your photos and the light in them are gorgeous...you live in such a beautiful area. We had a sunny mild day with very little leftover snow/ice on the ground but we had a snowstorm yesterday that gave us a winter wonderland again. Our Christmas was wonderful and we are truly blessed. Unfortunately I got an intestinal virus on Boxing Day night and am feeling better today. Not fun! I slept all day yesterday - something I would never do!! Happy New Year to you and yours. Wishing you many blessings. Pamela

    1. I heard that you were getting a snow storm, and I'm glad that you got your winter wonderland again! And so thankful to hear you had a wonderful blessed Christmas! But getting sick the day after, oh my, that is terrible! Having just had a terrible bug myself recently, I can feel your pain and sympathize!! Oh it is such a miserable thing, and I agree sleeping all day is not something to ever just do... but when that bug hits you, it is the best thing to do if you can. Do hope you are feeling much better today! Will try to get by and see your pictures, as I'm sure you've been having fun with the camera! :)

  6. I am jealous of all your beautiful snow! Your daughter took some breath taking photos. We had a slightly warm Christmas and it was very cozy and relaxing day. The boys got new bikes, so they loved the warmth...
    I'm hoping we get some snow soon as our ground could sure use the moisture. They are calling for cold Temps all this week,so I don't think we will be venturing out much.
    I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
    Be blessed,

  7. I am jealous of all your beautiful snow! Your daughter took some breath taking photos. We had a slightly warm Christmas and it was very cozy and relaxing day. The boys got new bikes, so they loved the warmth...
    I'm hoping we get some snow soon as our ground could sure use the moisture. They are calling for cold Temps all this week,so I don't think we will be venturing out much.
    I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
    Be blessed,

  8. Lovely scenes. Winter captured at its most beautiful. Your daughter has a good eye. So nice to know your Christmas Day was filled with joy, beauty and love. Blessings, Nancy

  9. You are doing wonderful capturing beautiful scenes of Beauty in your view. Hopefully I am set up to follow you on here.
    Love You


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