Turning Up The Heat

Monday, February 6, 2017

We got a fair dump of snow over the weekend.  While the cold snow was falling gently from the skies, it seemed appropriate that I heat things up a little bit inside.

I had some tomatoes that I had gotten on clearance at the grocery, and pico de gallo seemed the perfect way to use them up, and create a little color in my world, since the world outside was cold and white.

I usually use lime juice in my pico de gallo, but had none, so used lemon juice instead.  Worked just fine!

I used 5 roma tomatoes, 1/2 medium white onion, and 2 jalapenos with seeds, and a healthy dose of salt and lemon juice.  Mix it all together and let it sit 30 minutes or so for the flavors to meld together.

And here you have a little way to enjoy the heat while the snow fell gently outside. If you don't like it as hot, you can leave out the jalapeno seeds.  But hot was the taste I was seeking... and hot it was!

It has been snowing nonstop since Friday morning.  I have not heard the official amount of snow that we have received, but judging by what we have in our driveway that was plowed, I would say we have close to a foot or more of snow.

The turkeys are very thankful for the feed block we have put out for them.  In just a few days they have reduced it to close to half its size.

Our winter wonderland.  Oh how nice it was to look outside and see the snow fall.

I bundled up several times during the day to go out and check on the chickens, and just play in the snow with the dogs.

Riley just LOVES the snow.  She gets so excited she almost dances when she runs out to play in the snow.  So much snow fun we had!

You can see  how much snow we have gotten - our porch is level with the snow that has fallen. Riley chose to watch these two from a distance, they were getting a little rough, lol!

It doesn't take much to wear Riley out.  She was ready for her nap!  I took her inside and let her sleep for an hour or so, and then she was back outside, ready for more.

Walking around the winter wonderland was a bit of a workout.  The snow was deep, wet and a struggle to walk in.

This trio of fir trees all snazzy in their white coats, just glorious to see.

Back inside, after I had played with the dogs, slogged through the snow, and shoveled a path to the chicken coop, it was time for lunch.  I had made a chicken alfredo pasta the night before. I decided to try the pasta topped with some pico de gallo, and oh my goodness, what an amazing combination!  It was like a cold pasta salad with a Mexican flair.  Delicious!  The perfect way to warm up in this cold wintry weather we are having.

In other news, I have been busy on my sewing machine, but I will save that for another post. As a little teaser... below is a picture of a little dilemma I had and then hopefully today I will get a picture of my creation out of these scraps to share with you :)

What do you suppose could be made from these scraps? That will be the subject matter for my next post :)  Have a blessed day!


  1. All that snow looks beautiful but it makes me freeze. Here in the UK it has not snowed this year but it is very cold.

    Thank you for your comments on my Blog. I shall let you know when the book is available on AMAZON.

    God bless.

  2. The snow is so pretty, lovely pictures.

  3. Love your outdoor adventures, especially with the dogs. The turkeys and chickens are fun too.

    1. We have lots of entertainment around here with the fur balls, for sure :)

  4. Oh my, Marilyn! Your pico de gallo looks SO good! And ALL that snow! Oh my goodness, Friend. I am so glad you are enjoying it. Isn't it fun to watch the dogs play in the snow? They are so funny at times. Hmmm...now you have me wondering just what you are making with those strips of beautiful fabric. Have a wonderful remainder to your day.

    1. The animals bring so much joy into our lives, indeed! Appreciate your visit Dianna, always a blessing :)

  5. We really enjoy pico de gallo at this old house. We even got snow here in the Seattle area today. A white surprise. Hope you have a nice week.

    1. Nice white surprise, glad you are enjoying it! We have certainly gotten our fair share this year! Now, flooding is an issue here. Have a blessed day, appreciate your visit :)

  6. Pico de gallo is a wonderful fresh taste for winter. It's been snowing here, too, not as much as you have, but enough for the schools to be closed. I'm enjoying my unexpected day at home and doing a little sewing, too.

    1. Amazingly, our school districts have not closed all week with all the snow. People here just expect a lot of snow, and even with freezing rain, the schools didn't close! I'm glad you got an unexpected day off at home to enjoy! Have a lovely weekend :)

  7. Pico de Gallo is a favorite here and we make it often! I bet that pasta tasted wonderful with the salsa on it! Yum!
    Watching doggies play in the snow is fun. One of our dogs, Hank is low to the ground, so it's a hoot watching him bury himself through the snow. Goofy dog!
    We had beautiful weather yesterday, so we took advantage of it and worked in the yard. It was wonderful! Now today it's windy and a bit cool. And they said Phil the groundhog saw his shadow...I'm not sure where winter went, but I'm gonna enjoy the warm up we have...your snow looks so calming and bright! Hope you stay warm, cozy and safe!
    Can't wait to see what you made with the scrap material. Love the fabric pieces!

    Enjoy your week, Marilyn!
    Hugs, Amy

    1. The combo of the pico de gallo and the gentle flavor of the alfredo was really amazing. Oh yes, any dog low to the ground in deep snow is funny to watch, so funny as they kind of have to hop around, lol! That is amazing that your weather is so warm! Our weather has warmed up now, and flooding has become the new issue. Thankfully we are okay here, but many are experiencing water in basements, etc. I think most people are ready for spring, lol! Appreciate your visit as always :)

  8. I love pico de gallo. Yours looks delicious! And I always enjoy looking at your winter wonderland pictures. Have a great evening.

    1. Pico de gallo is a favorite of mine, and a nice treat on a cold day! Appreciate your visit!

  9. We are having a fairly snow less winter so far on the Front Range in Colorado, although the high Rockies here have had a lot of snow. Your Pico de gallo looks delicious--I like it spicy too! I never tried it on top of pasta--that looks like an interesting way to dress up leftover pasta!

    1. The pico did add a great touch to the pasta! It was a nice treat on a cold winter day :) Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Wow!!! You really are having a lot of snow, but it is so beautiful...as long as you don't have to try to drive in it! Praying for your safety if you do. I know you all are used to it and know how to drive in it... Thank you for sharing the beauty with us. Your pico de gallo looks so good...I wish I had seen this before I cooked supper tonight...I made quesadillas and had chopped tomatoes, green peppers/onions, but didn't know how to mix that for the pico de gallo...and that would have been perfect! Can't wait to see what you are making (sewing). Give Riley a little pat and hug for me. She's so adorable.
    Love your posts. Thank you.

    1. Oh yes, that would have been perfect with quesadillas! I love pico de gallo, a real treat on cold days :) I will give Riley a hug for you, she says thank you very much! Appreciate your sweet visit! Have a lovely and blessed day :)

  11. Your pasta salad and pico de gallo look scrumptious! The snow is so pretty. Too cute Riley loves the snow and her naps. Does the snow stick in her fur? When Little Bear goes out, it takes quite a bit of effort to get the snow balls out of her fur.

    1. Yes, the snow does stick in her fur, but not too badly, it seems to fall over her most of the time like water on a duck's back. It is only when it is very wet dense snow that it makes little snowballs. Appreciate your visit Gina, have a blessed day :)

  12. I am hungry now, I can't wait to see what you're going to make with those scraps AND I will never get tired of seeing that puppy's sweet, sweet face!

    1. It was a bit of a challenge to figure out what to do with the scraps, but I found something useful to make with them :) And no, I can't get enough of sweet Riley's cuteness either! I just hate that she is growing so fast! Such are babies and puppies and kittens, lol!

  13. I was wondering how much snow you were getting hit with. We got mostly rain down here at our place but boy is it slick outside with the ice being topped by water. I'm glad you were snug at home and had such good food to keep you warm and the pups to keep you entertained. Be blessed!

    1. It has been a bit of a wild and crazy winter, hasn't it! We got a lot of snow, and then rain, which is causing flooding issues for many now. But this means that surely spring isn't far away! LOL! And yes, we are soaking up all of Riley's cuteness! Hugs to you today :)

  14. I heard that you were getting hit with snow, and hit you did! Oooh Marilyn, it is just gorgeous!! Those furr trees are just beautiful. Little Riely is just a doll!
    Your Pico de gallo looks and sounds delicious and what a good idea to add it to your pasta.
    Now you have me wanting some.:-)
    Mmmm...What will you be creating? I haven't a clue. :-) But I look forward to the finished product.

    God bless you~

    1. Pico de gallo is definitely a favorite treat, perfect on those cold winter days, love the splash of color and heat in my world! And yes, Riley just keeps getting cuter and cuter, lol! She is also growing very fast. Too fast! Hugs to you today :)

  15. Oh, my, I wish you could send some of that snow our way!! We have been longing for snow, but to no avail! I love Pico de gallo, too, and make it very similar to yours. I just had some today at a Mexican restaurant. It was so good! I can't wait to see what you are going to create with the scraps...you have us all waiting with baited breath! And, that sweet, little Riley...oh, how precious. I love the look on her face as she watched the other two dogs! So funny. Sending you love and hugs, sweet friend!

    1. I would surely love to send you a whole truckload of snow, right out of my driveway, now that would be a perfect exchange! I paid to have someone plow our driveway and now it needs it again, such a mess. Our tractor is stuck, but hoping my husband gets it going this weekend. It has been fun doing a little bit of sewing, certainly inspired by all the fabric you sent me too! Hugs to you today my friend!

  16. I make a tomato salsa using cucumber, neither of us like jalapenos very much.
    What a beautiful sight your snowy garden is, fairytale!

    1. Cucumber and tomatoes are a lovely combinations! I understand that jalapenos are a bit too much heat for some. I had fun working with the gorgeous fabrics you sent me! They are so lovely, the colors worked perfectly together! Thank you again for your generosity, it was a blessing, and an inspiration :) Hugs to you today!

  17. {{{grinning}}} Thank you sweet friend for such a lovely post. Have a beautiful rest of the week.

  18. Contrasts...I just love them, especially when they have to do with our senses: spicing up your pasta with the savoury Pico de gallo medley while also hitting it with a trio of red, white and green appeals to my taste buds and is the perfect eye candy, too, thus making it a very appetizing dish. The colours of the Pico de gallo remind me of Christmas, and if I didn't know it was early February, I'd guess that you were preparing a Christmas treat, judging from all that snow you got!

    Now, as far as guessing what will become of those adorable fabric swatches, I have no clue, but I'm certain it will be pretty!

    Riley is such a snow sweetie!

    Have a wonderful, wintry day, my friend,

    1. Contrasts are always a thrill, aren't they! I had fun creating with such beautiful fabric! And Riley is growing way, way too fast! Have a lovely weekend :)

  19. That is a lot of snow in one shot! It looks beautiful though and the dogs seem to be enjoying it. Have a cosy day!

    1. Yes, we got a lot of snow, and then lots of rain, and now flooding and roof problems have become the new problem. So far we are doing okay. Appreciate your visit, have a wonderful day :)

  20. even the colors are yummy!


    let's eat!

    1. Door is open, table is set... come on in :) Hugs to you friend!

  21. Love your snowy photos and the sweet pups playing in the snow. So much fun and the trio of trees dressed in snow, is a beautiful capture.
    Love your pasta dish with the pico de gallo. I be it did warm you up from the outdoor fun.
    Not sure what you are going to create but the fabrics look beautiful and what a pretty combo all together. Have fun and thank you also for stopping by and your kind comment. Wishing you a great week. Blessing. xo

    1. Appreciate your visit and kind words Celestina, we have been having a very interesting winter here, for sure. I had fun playing with the fabrics, so inspiring. Have a cozy day today :)

  22. I love to stay inside and watch the snow fall. Your photos are fun to view. Especially the pics of the snow covered trees and the dogs. You can tell that they really enjoy the snow! You sound like a great cook. I'm clueless as to the fabric scraps. What will your creative mind show us?

    1. I shared my final creation in a post yesterday, it was a lot of fun to decide what in the world to make with the tiny scraps left over. But it was fun playing with such pretty fabric :) Hugs to you today!

  23. Thanks for that recipe. We do have some tomatoes that have survived the heat so far but with another heatwave arriving at the weekend it will be a bit hit and miss for them although I cover them with shade cloth. My, my that snow looks very welcome to us here in Australia at the moment :-)

    1. I bet the snow does look very welcome amidst all the heat you are having! I must say, I love spring but I don't care for any heat waves, such as you are suffering through! Hope that your weather cools down soon!

  24. Aww!! the puppies... they are enjoying a lot in snow..and waiting to see what you've sewed...:)

    1. We are enjoying Riley so much, such cuteness, but oh, she is growing so fast! I did share yesterday what I made with those scraps, it was a fun project! Hugs to you today :)

  25. The pico de gallo looks really yummy!
    I am puzzling over what your project may be. I will look forward to your post. I have been having fun with fabric today too. I am recovering some old books and loving the pretty look it gives them.

    1. Oh that sounds like a wonderful project, I have never thought of doing that. A great way to protect an older book too. Appreciate your visit Abbi, have a wonderful day :)

  26. I love pico de gallo! Thanks for the tip about adding it to the pasta dish. Beautiful fabrics that you have teased us with; can't wait to see your project.
    The snow is just beautiful and I love seeing the dogs enjoy being outdoors. Rare to see Riley watching from the sidelines! She is precious.

    1. When Riley is tired, she puts herself to sleep, she will just disappear for a nap! Love that about her. Oh the cuteness is so precious, we love her dearly :) Appreciate your visit and sweet comment, have a blessed day!

  27. We don't snow much here in Georgia, but when we do it's only an inch or so. I enjoyed seeing your Winter Wonderland..it was Wonderful!

    1. Glad to share a taste of winter with you, but if I could, I would gladly pack up some of this snow and send it your way :) I love watching it fall, but dealing with too much of it becomes an issue, lol! Appreciate your visit Sylvia, have a blessed day!

  28. I loved your beautiful photos of the snow! Like Sylvia, I live in Georgia, so to see anything near to this amount is rare, indeed.
    Thanks again for visiting Meditations of My Heart today. I love your blog here, too, and have signed up to get it via email. Looking forward to this new friendship!

    1. Yes, certainly this much snow in Georgia would be a catastrophe, lol! We are prepared for large amounts of snow here, but even this much snow this year has caused a bit of extra work. Now, we are dealing with flooding as all that snow is now melting. So happy that we have met, and I look forward to getting to know you better too... you are also on my blogroll :) Hugs to you today!

  29. Well that all looks pretty yummy! I am definitely a nacho girl! And I love pico de gallo! I see you have plenty of snow. We have some and a nor' easter on the way tomorrow! Love the photos of your dogs playing in the snow. My dog loves snow too! Glad to see you sewing....hmmm, what could you be making! Guess I'll have to wait and see! xo

    1. I love anything crunchy with a bit of heat to it, so pico de gallo definitely fits the bill, lol! Yes, I'm glad our dogs like snow, we sure have a lot of it! Hope you are all doing okay with all the snow you guys got! I'm sure you will have your own snow pictures/stories to tell! I have really been enjoying my time of sewing, it feels great to play with such gorgeous fabrics. Hugs to you today!

  30. What beautiful snow! Loved reading your description of being out in it with the dogs! Mmm your pasta salad looks delicious!

    1. Thanks Podso, it has been lovely to see all this snow, but now that it is melting, it is creating a problem with flooding around us. Thankfully we are okay here, so far. Appreciate your visit today :)

  31. Hi Marilyn! Mmmm...Mission chips! I love those. Your pico de gallo looks amazing, and I'm sure the lemon juice worked just as well as the lime. And aren't you the inventor, putting it on pasta! I'm so glad it tasted as good as it looked.
    I like the photos of snow here again! We still are without any snow on the ground. It actually rained this week. This is the lowest snow count we've had in recent history here in the midwest.
    I wonder what you are going to make? Placemats??

    1. It was an experiment that turned out well, I am always happy when things go like that, lol! Sorry that you don't have any snow, would you like some, I'd sure be glad to get a truckload taken out of my driveway about now, lol! Your guess was very close on what I made, but no, it wasn't placements :) I did post yesterday on what the final result was. Appreciate your visits as always, have a blessed day!

  32. Hello There!!
    Your snow looks so very pretty. And your puppy sure likes the white fluffy stuff! And we love Pico and any kind of salsa!
    and looking forward to see what you sew up!
    Hugs, Roxy

    1. The snow has been very pretty, but now it is melting, and we are under flood watch here. Such is the crazy swings of this winter! I finally got around to sharing my finished project on my post yesterday :) Hugs to you today friend!

  33. Thank you so much for stopping over on my blog, it was very sweet of you!
    I came over to read your post. That sweet pup, just too cute?
    The dogs look so happy, and I just could not believe the snow.
    Five inches was the most we've gotten this season.
    Wondering what those pretty scraps will turn into, ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hoping to read your next post!
    I have enjoyed several of them.
    Blessings, and peace!

    1. I was so happy to meet you Annie, love meeting other precious fellow bloggers! Oh yes, dear Riley is such a blessing around here, we are enjoying her cuteness so much! I did get around to posting yesterday what I came up with for the scraps, it was a fun little project :) Hugs to you today!

  34. What a beautiful winter wonderland! It looks so peaceful and lovely. Good for you for getting out and enjoying the beauty. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a slug in the winter, and tend to stay close to the fire, rarely venturing out! The new puppy is adorable, and sure looks to be enjoying the snow.
    That pico de gallo looks very refreshing and delicious. Blessings, Deborah

    1. Appreciate your visit Deborah, I understand about staying inside, I do spend more time inside in the winter, for sure, although I do love to get out and walk if the day allows it. We have beautiful sunshine today, and once it warms up a bit, and the ice turns to slush, I think I shall walk. We have a ton of ice right now though and flooding issues. Such is this crazy winter we are having! Hugs and blessings to you today too :)

  35. I love pico de gallo but have to hold the jalapenos. I imagine you are going to make a quilt! ? We too are covered in snow and ice. This weekend it will warm up and melt, thank goodness. Wishing a wonderful weekend!

    1. We are in the melting stage here too, causing some flooding issues, not so fun to deal with. Such is winter! Appreciate your visit, have a lovely weekend yourself :)

  36. Hi Felicia, thank you for taking a guess at what I was making! I wish I had enough fabric left over for a tote bag, but I didn't. It was a lot smaller :) Appreciate your visit, have a great day :)


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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