My husband and I traveled to Texas over Easter to visit our family there. It was wonderful to see everyone and to spend precious moments with my parents and Dan's mom. Another reason we like to go to Texas in the springtime is to see the hallmark Texas beauties - the bluebonnets. I wasn't sure we would see any, as the season came earlier this year. But, we persevered, and found some!
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Have you ever experienced a flash of light so bright that it left your eyesight darkened to the point of momentary blindness? You may have experienced it when a flashlight shone into your eyes, or the bright flash of a camera taking pictures caused your vision to blacken for a moment.
When a bright light shines into your eyes it will blur your vision so that all else seems dark.
I walk early every morning, often just as the sun has risen. One morning recently, the sun's rays shone so brilliantly as I walked that I had to squint my eyes and I could hardly see. It was a blessing to enjoy the sunshine but I was rather uncomfortable as the light was so bright that it darkened the rest of the world around me. Suddenly, I became very aware of the Lord speaking to my heart, and when I got home, I began to write this little piece...
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