Happy First Day of Spring! This day is truly magnificent here - the sun is shining bright in the sky and our temperatures are projected to reach close to 70 degrees! But - Winter is not going to let us indulge in Spring for long - by this weekend snow is to return - such is the season of "Springter" here in north Idaho! But it is so exciting to see little crocus blooms popping out of the ground, and tulips growing. I anticipate Spring's blossoms parade, and a sprinkle of snow this weekend will be beneficial - it'll bring the moisture we need and enhance today's weather!
I've been busy in the yard, cleaning and preparing for Spring.
My "She Shed" is a winter storage area, and I've got lots of work to do out here! This is my project for the week :) A happy one!
I spruced up our front porch and washed away all Winter's dirt and grime.
All my glass plate flowers got a "bath". I set up a tub of soapy warm water and a clean pan of water, and it makes them shine like new! If you'd like to learn how I make glass plate flowers, you can watch my video here:
I found this vintage metal cart with 3 shelves at a yard sale toward the end of Fall last year. It was so much fun to clean it up, and get it ready for the Spring season!
This picture popped up on my computer's screen saver - and it brought tears to my eyes. Dad loved the mountains so much. I miss our talks. Some days are easier than others. But pictures like these really refresh the loss in my heart. He was a precious Dad and his legacy lives on in our hearts!
We spent some quality time this month stamping cards with friends, each of us bringing our own kits to work on together while having a nice chat. These were the cards I made during our visit.
No more snow! All our snow is melting, and we are having above-normal temperatures!
It is so nice to walk in the early morning, and evenings now. My favorite time to walk is during the sunrise and sunset hours. The skies fill my heart with rapture!
Each cloud formation - unique, special, and momentary - is meant to be enjoyed in the moment!
In the early morning, frost still rests on the ground, but soon, as the sun spreads its warmth, the frost disappears, and it is springtime!
Daffodils are pushing up through the cold ground, announcing spring's arrival!
Morning and evening walks - how they thrill my soul!
God paints the skies, and I take each one in and thank Him. Such gracious gifts He brings to us!
Those eyes! "Pup-sitting" is a joy - my neighbor's pup, Bejeweled. She climbed up in my lap, and I got a "selfie" of her.
She and Riley play so well together.
These two - Big Boy aka "Ash" and Little Girl "Smoky" hang out with me early in the morning before I get up to take my morning walk. They are never agreeable to me getting up and starting the day. {smiles}
Danielle and Zak held a family gathering to celebrate their birthdays. Zak's birthday is at the end of February, and Danielle's is St. Patrick's Day, so they hold a family celebration - which is great! We have a delightful time as Zak's close family and our family gather together to celebrate their birthdays.
Managed to capture a quick picture of Danielle and Ryan together :) It was a beautiful day, and we spent most of the time sitting outside in the sun.
In this Easter season, I've created several videos to reflect on the resurrection of our Lord. I realized our TV will play YouTube videos and have been keeping my videos playing as background music during this season. I find it calming to fill my home with worship music and glorious scenes (pictures I've taken) to look upon throughout the day.
Here is my latest Easter YouTube video for you to enjoy:
I hope that you are enjoying a beautiful First Day of Spring - and enjoying Spring's Parade of Blooms. I'll leave you with a favorite scripture of mine. I have the Bible app on my phone, and you can take any verse that speaks to your heart, pair it with an image, and make your own "meme". It's a blessing to be able to share the Word like this :)
May God bless you all richly as you enjoy the beauties that Springtime brings!
Dearest Marilyn, Watched your video as the 274th viewer. That is neat for being able to watch YouTube videos on your TV! Your Dad's photo indeed does stir the soul... but the memories are well captured and they live on in your hearts. And the dogs getting along so well and your kitties. Sure they love lap time! Happy Birthdays celebrated with close family... that is all good for the soul. Enjoy the awakening of spring flowers in your garden. Hugs, Mariette
Dear Mariette, thank you so much for watching the video as the 274th person! I do appreciate your support so very much! It is really comforting to be able to watch my videos on the tv, we don't use the tv for anything else. Our fur babies are so precious to us! Many blessings to you dear friend!
Thank You for sharing your lovely photos. Our Crocus and Hyacinths have bloomed. The Daffodils are starting bud. HAPPY SPRING HAPPY and BLESSED EASTER Joan,Marion and Marilyn
70? Wow! It's cold here and we're supposed to have a "significant" snow storm affecting travel on Friday. Hope they are wrong! It's looking so pretty there. Doesn't it feel good to get the winter grime cleaned off? :)
We are supposed to get that kind of weather also - 2 storms coming through. Springtime can be like this! It is pretty dry here already, so we will take the moisture. It feels great to get things cleaned up and ready for summer! Blessings to you :)
Hello Marilyn! It was good to see your posts and more photos of N. Idaho. How lovely to have a photo of your Dad pop up on your screen. I understand how it can tug at your heart as the loss is still so new. My parents have been gone for years. Mom in 1990 and Dad in 2000. I just turned 64 so was pretty young when they passed. I find I love to see their photos unexpectedly now. I'm sure you will be the same when the fresh grief is past. We had 66F here today but it's supposed to snow in a few days. It's spring! :-) Ihope you have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow my friend. Blessings, Betsy
Dear Betsy - I know you love the pictures of our beautiful North Idaho! It is always hard to see pictures of family that have passed on. Losing your parents is a special kind of loss! Hopefully you are having a nice spring there! Many blessings to you dear friend!
This is such a beautiful season. Thank you for sharing the photos of your corner of the world. We've had some sunny days lately, too, and I've thoroughly enjoyed them. My dad will be 90 in April and he and my mom are still independent and doing all their own cleaning and cooking. I dread the day when I won't be able to call them up to chat. Enjoy these early spring days.
This is such a beautiful season Lorrie! I always love to see what your blooms are, as we are about 2 weeks behind you, so it gives me hope of anticipation. Such a blessing to have your parents in their 90s and independent. I know you are thankful for all this time you've had with them. Many blessings to you - enjoy these spring days!
Such beautiful photos! I know the pain of losing a father. Mine died when he was just 60. Time helps. I now celebrate the man he was and the joy he brought to my life. I still talk to him…sounds odd but it brings me comfort! Take care, Marilyn!
The Easter season is upon us full of hope and joy! Looks like you have a good jump on Spring cleaning already! I'll tuck away your hiking suggestions for CDA. We only got a chance to walk on a flat path along the water this time around. We'll have to build up our weak winter muscles before we hike. CDA has been a special treat for us and now we are headed home to the anticipation of all our kids being in our home this weekend. That is a sweet sweet photo of you dear dad. What a blessing to cherish him in your memories. Happy Spring!!
CDA is such a beautiful city, and there is so much to do and see there. Such a pretty city to get out and stroll around! I hope you have a blessed and very special weekend with your family, there is nothing any better!
Dear Marilyn, as usual your blog is eye candy to enjoy and with Spring here and Easter so soon to follow, it is even more cheerful. You and I could have a good laugh here together is you could see my gardening! I just planted 24 peat pots with annual seeds for mid May if frost is over. And I have kept 3 coleus, 4 parsley (meant for Black Swallowtail butterfly babies) and an impatient plant all alive in my small living/kitchen area. If they can hang on for 2 more months, they will get the boot, lol. Little Boy and Little Girl certainly follow the path same as Precious, sleep sleep sleep. Have a wonderful Easter celebration of our King Rising. Lynn and Precious
Thank you Lynn and Precious - your comments mean so very much to me! Your spring plants sound wonderful, I would so love a good visit with you both :) Happy Easter to you dear friend, how thankful I am that He is Risen!
All your vintage goodies are so charming, Marilyn. Some look like antiques. It must bring you joy to see them in your she shed. What a dear picture of you and your dad. A reminder of how much you loved him so, and how close you were to him. Your sky photos are dazzling, especially that last one with the reds. And Bejeweled's eyes get me every time. ; )
Thank you Sheri, I do have lots of vintage goodies I keep outside under our porch. It brings my heart joy to see them, as we live in a tiny house, and I don't have room for them all inside. I get lots of picture reminders of Dad, and I miss him more every day. Thank you for your wonderful visit, and comments, they mean so much to me! Wishing you beautiful spring blessings!
Spring makes me so happy- my favorite season! I've loved seeing bluebonnets and a few paintbrush flowers on the side of the highway, anytime I drive with my dad to the store. It's exciting seeing large patches of blue. I've not seen crocus grow here, so that's neat to see them in your photos. :) I agree: each sunrise and sunset are so unique and beautiful! Aww, what a nice picture of your dad. Praying you continue to be comforted, Marilyn. God bless and keep you, Valentine
Spring is a wonderful season in Texas - the bluebonnets are our favorites! I love how Texas has them planted along the highways! Always wonderful to enjoy springtime blooms! Llano is our favorite area to visit for the bluebonnets. Many blessings to you Valentine!
I LOVE the Bible app and I do the same thing often for instragram or FB or sometimes my blog.
I'm going to listen to your video while I cook an early dinner and I might even play it as the intro to my small group Bible study tonight :)
Spring is here in NY although today was a bit colder and right now it's raining. But we need the moisture as we hardly got any snow this winter here in eastern NY...vastly different from central and western NY
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING. (ps my grandmother had a green cart exactly like that in her kitchen when i was growing up).
I just love my vintage yellow cart, and so fun to put some of my pieces on it. I love the Bible app and the ability to make those scripture pictures. Thank you for listening to the video, I hope it was a blessing to you :) Happy Spring to you - it's such an exciting time of year!
I always love visiting your world, Marilyn. Your sky photos just mesmerize me with the beauty. It looks like spring is appearing, with little sprouts and beautiful clean plate flowers. I’m really loving your cart that you bought and cleaned. I know how you feel when seeing photos of loved ones. It’s so bittersweet, isn’t it? I just wish we could pick up the phone and chat. Have a beautiful first week of Spring, my friend.
Thank you Kitty, springtime brings such joy, doesn't it! I love my little vintage cart, it's a fun place to showcase some of my "pretties". Thank you for the kind words, I would love a chat with you anytime. Our parents are so precious to us! Many blessings to you dear friend!
Hello, my lovely friend. Such beauty in your world. And in your heart as well. We miss our fathers don't we? Mine is gone ten years this past February, and I still think of calling him for a quick second, until I remember. I can hear his voice in my heart. Enjoy spring in your world!
It is hard to not have my Dad where I can just talk to him, I miss him so much, like you, I just want to call him! Yes, I do hear his voice in my heart! Thank you for this wonderful comment, it is always a blessing to me :)
Hi Maryiln! What a wonderful view of a bit of your life and country. We had snow yesterday. I am over winter and can't wait to clean up outside so I can sit out and enjoy nature. Thanks for popping by my blog. The last two times I sent a message to you it bounced back. I think you must have changed your email address and I have the old one? Anyway, if you get a chance, drop me a line with your current email addy in it. Have a wonderful, blessed week. xo xo xo Diana
oh your she-shed looks like it's filled with the most fun treasures and experiences and fun stuff, Marilyn! easter blessings to you and yours, friend ...
Happy spring and happy Easter Marilyn. Your photos are so lovely. Thanks for sharing a peek into your beautiful paradise. I am happy to feature your welcome to spring at Love Your Creativity.
Good morning, dear friend, it was so wonderful to finally have time to sit and absorb your beautiful post. I love each one of them and save them for when I can savor them most. I pray you are doing well and continuing to enjoy the spring weather. The photo of you and your daddy touched my heart. I know you miss him, and I certainly understand. God bless and comfort you. Sending hugs your way today and much love.
OOh, Cheryl, that means so much to me. The hurt is so fresh, I could write about it and cry every day. I try to remember the good memories, but there are days that it just hurts! Thank you for understanding, I know you grieve your dear parents so much too! I appreciate the hugs, love and prayers so very much!
Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!
Please click here to visit my exciting NEW Website!
Author Profile
I am an avid hobby photographer living in North Idaho who shares her photography and inspirational writings on my blog
Through Love's Eyes
This inspirational book was written by me with photography of the four seasons of North Idaho. You can purchase my book here! I appreciate your support!
Dearest Marilyn,
ReplyDeleteWatched your video as the 274th viewer.
That is neat for being able to watch YouTube videos on your TV!
Your Dad's photo indeed does stir the soul... but the memories are well captured and they live on in your hearts.
And the dogs getting along so well and your kitties. Sure they love lap time!
Happy Birthdays celebrated with close family... that is all good for the soul.
Enjoy the awakening of spring flowers in your garden.
Dear Mariette, thank you so much for watching the video as the 274th person! I do appreciate your support so very much! It is really comforting to be able to watch my videos on the tv, we don't use the tv for anything else. Our fur babies are so precious to us! Many blessings to you dear friend!
DeleteThank You for sharing your lovely photos. Our Crocus and Hyacinths have bloomed. The Daffodils are starting bud.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn
Isn't it such an EXCITING time of year! Happy Spring to all of you, and sending many happy spring hugs :)
Delete70? Wow! It's cold here and we're supposed to have a "significant" snow storm affecting travel on Friday. Hope they are wrong!
ReplyDeleteIt's looking so pretty there. Doesn't it feel good to get the winter grime cleaned off? :)
We are supposed to get that kind of weather also - 2 storms coming through. Springtime can be like this! It is pretty dry here already, so we will take the moisture. It feels great to get things cleaned up and ready for summer! Blessings to you :)
DeleteHello Marilyn! It was good to see your posts and more photos of N. Idaho. How lovely to have a photo of your Dad pop up on your screen. I understand how it can tug at your heart as the loss is still so new. My parents have been gone for years. Mom in 1990 and Dad in 2000. I just turned 64 so was pretty young when they passed. I find I love to see their photos unexpectedly now. I'm sure you will be the same when the fresh grief is past.
ReplyDeleteWe had 66F here today but it's supposed to snow in a few days. It's spring! :-)
Ihope you have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow my friend.
Dear Betsy - I know you love the pictures of our beautiful North Idaho! It is always hard to see pictures of family that have passed on. Losing your parents is a special kind of loss! Hopefully you are having a nice spring there! Many blessings to you dear friend!
DeleteThis is such a beautiful season. Thank you for sharing the photos of your corner of the world. We've had some sunny days lately, too, and I've thoroughly enjoyed them. My dad will be 90 in April and he and my mom are still independent and doing all their own cleaning and cooking. I dread the day when I won't be able to call them up to chat.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy these early spring days.
This is such a beautiful season Lorrie! I always love to see what your blooms are, as we are about 2 weeks behind you, so it gives me hope of anticipation. Such a blessing to have your parents in their 90s and independent. I know you are thankful for all this time you've had with them. Many blessings to you - enjoy these spring days!
DeleteSuch beautiful photos! I know the pain of losing a father. Mine died when he was just 60. Time helps. I now celebrate the man he was and the joy he brought to my life. I still talk to him…sounds odd but it brings me comfort! Take care, Marilyn!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to lose our parents. Time does help, I do know that. Thank you for your kind words! Many blessings to you Marie :)
DeleteHappy Spring and a Blessed Easter, dear Marilyn! Thanks for sharing all the beauty you enjoy in Idaho with us. It is always inspirational.
Happy Easter to you too, Martha, it is such a precious season of reflection! Many blessings to you dear friend!
DeleteThe Easter season is upon us full of hope and joy! Looks like you have a good jump on Spring cleaning already! I'll tuck away your hiking suggestions for CDA. We only got a chance to walk on a flat path along the water this time around. We'll have to build up our weak winter muscles before we hike. CDA has been a special treat for us and now we are headed home to the anticipation of all our kids being in our home this weekend. That is a sweet sweet photo of you dear dad. What a blessing to cherish him in your memories. Happy Spring!!
ReplyDeleteCDA is such a beautiful city, and there is so much to do and see there. Such a pretty city to get out and stroll around! I hope you have a blessed and very special weekend with your family, there is nothing any better!
DeleteDear Marilyn, as usual your blog is eye candy to enjoy and with Spring here and Easter so soon to follow, it is even more cheerful. You and I could have a good laugh here together is you could see my gardening! I just planted 24 peat pots with annual seeds for mid May if frost is over. And I have kept 3 coleus, 4 parsley (meant for Black Swallowtail butterfly babies) and an impatient plant all alive in my small living/kitchen area. If they can hang on for 2 more months, they will get the boot, lol. Little Boy and Little Girl certainly follow the path same as Precious, sleep sleep sleep. Have a wonderful Easter celebration of our King Rising. Lynn and Precious
ReplyDeleteThank you Lynn and Precious - your comments mean so very much to me! Your spring plants sound wonderful, I would so love a good visit with you both :) Happy Easter to you dear friend, how thankful I am that He is Risen!
DeleteAll your vintage goodies are so charming, Marilyn. Some look like antiques. It must bring you joy to see them in your she shed. What a dear picture of you and your dad. A reminder of how much you loved him so, and how close you were to him. Your sky photos are dazzling, especially that last one with the reds. And Bejeweled's eyes get me every time. ; )
ReplyDeleteHappy Spring days to you, Marilyn.
Thank you Sheri, I do have lots of vintage goodies I keep outside under our porch. It brings my heart joy to see them, as we live in a tiny house, and I don't have room for them all inside. I get lots of picture reminders of Dad, and I miss him more every day. Thank you for your wonderful visit, and comments, they mean so much to me! Wishing you beautiful spring blessings!
DeleteHappy Spring Marilyn, thank you for the lovely post.
ReplyDeleteSweet memories of your dad... sending you a HUG!!!
Love, Carla
Thank you Carla, spring is such a wonderful time of year. Thank you for the kind hug, I appreciate it so much! Many blessings to you!
DeleteThank you for another beautiful and encouraging post. 💚💛🧡💙💜💗
ReplyDeleteYou are so kind, and I appreciate your visits so very much, many happy spring blessings to you!
DeleteSpring makes me so happy- my favorite season! I've loved seeing bluebonnets and a few paintbrush flowers on the side of the highway, anytime I drive with my dad to the store. It's exciting seeing large patches of blue.
ReplyDeleteI've not seen crocus grow here, so that's neat to see them in your photos. :) I agree: each sunrise and sunset are so unique and beautiful!
Aww, what a nice picture of your dad. Praying you continue to be comforted, Marilyn.
God bless and keep you,
Spring is a wonderful season in Texas - the bluebonnets are our favorites! I love how Texas has them planted along the highways! Always wonderful to enjoy springtime blooms! Llano is our favorite area to visit for the bluebonnets. Many blessings to you Valentine!
DeleteI LOVE the Bible app and I do the same thing often for instragram or FB or sometimes my blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to listen to your video while I cook an early dinner and I might even play it as the intro to my small group Bible study tonight :)
Spring is here in NY although today was a bit colder and right now it's raining. But we need the moisture as we hardly got any snow this winter here in eastern NY...vastly different from central and western NY
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING. (ps my grandmother had a green cart exactly like that in her kitchen when i was growing up).
I just love my vintage yellow cart, and so fun to put some of my pieces on it. I love the Bible app and the ability to make those scripture pictures. Thank you for listening to the video, I hope it was a blessing to you :) Happy Spring to you - it's such an exciting time of year!
DeleteI always love visiting your world, Marilyn. Your sky photos just mesmerize me with the beauty. It looks like spring is appearing, with little sprouts and beautiful clean plate flowers. I’m really loving your cart that you bought and cleaned. I know how you feel when seeing photos of loved ones. It’s so bittersweet, isn’t it? I just wish we could pick up the phone and chat.
ReplyDeleteHave a beautiful first week of Spring, my friend.
Thank you Kitty, springtime brings such joy, doesn't it! I love my little vintage cart, it's a fun place to showcase some of my "pretties". Thank you for the kind words, I would love a chat with you anytime. Our parents are so precious to us! Many blessings to you dear friend!
DeleteHello, my lovely friend. Such beauty in your world. And in your heart as well. We miss our fathers don't we? Mine is gone ten years this past February, and I still think of calling him for a quick second, until I remember. I can hear his voice in my heart. Enjoy spring in your world!
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to not have my Dad where I can just talk to him, I miss him so much, like you, I just want to call him! Yes, I do hear his voice in my heart! Thank you for this wonderful comment, it is always a blessing to me :)
DeleteHi Maryiln! What a wonderful view of a bit of your life and country. We had snow yesterday. I am over winter and can't wait to clean up outside so I can sit out and enjoy nature.
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping by my blog. The last two times I sent a message to you it bounced back. I think you must have changed your email address and I have the old one? Anyway, if you get a chance, drop me a line with your current email addy in it.
Have a wonderful, blessed week. xo xo xo Diana
oh your she-shed looks like it's filled with the most fun treasures and experiences and fun stuff, Marilyn! easter blessings to you and yours, friend ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Spring wishes.
ReplyDeleteLovely to see all of your photographs here.
All the best Jan
Thank you Jan, Happy Spring wishes to you as well!
DeleteHappy spring and happy Easter Marilyn. Your photos are so lovely. Thanks for sharing a peek into your beautiful paradise. I am happy to feature your welcome to spring at Love Your Creativity.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the feature! I really appreciate your friendship, and commitment to all of us bloggers so very much! Happy Easter!
DeleteGood morning, dear friend, it was so wonderful to finally have time to sit and absorb your beautiful post. I love each one of them and save them for when I can savor them most. I pray you are doing well and continuing to enjoy the spring weather. The photo of you and your daddy touched my heart. I know you miss him, and I certainly understand. God bless and comfort you. Sending hugs your way today and much love.
ReplyDeleteOOh, Cheryl, that means so much to me. The hurt is so fresh, I could write about it and cry every day. I try to remember the good memories, but there are days that it just hurts! Thank you for understanding, I know you grieve your dear parents so much too! I appreciate the hugs, love and prayers so very much!