Father's Day and June's Frosty Weather

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Spring's season is fast approaching its end, and Summer awaits on the horizon. We've had an amazing spring this year - with all the joys that a cool wet spring brings - lots of rain showers, rainbows, cool winds, abundant sunshine, and even a surprise weekend full of frosty temperatures - yes, we had a late frost this past weekend, with temps down in the high 20s! 

Brilliant double rainbow after a spring rainstorm!

A bluebird family has taken up residence in my garden, and I've enjoyed watching Papa and Momma watch so carefully after their little ones. 

The wild roses are in full bloom - growing with abandon this year - oh the joy of smelling these roses! Their fragrance fills the air with its delicate tones. 

I wish I could share their fragrance with you!
And I wish I could bottle it up and save it to enjoy year-round! 

My iris are now in bloom, happily blooming despite the presence of cold winds and rain! 

In another part of my garden, a wren family takes up residence yearly in June - oh how I love to hear the wrens sing and talk to each other - and the scolding they give me when I get too close to their nest! 

I've been busy at work in the garden! Many of the pathways needed attention because of weeds. I've used plastic, heavy black landscape paper and cardboard in the past.

I've come to like cardboard the best, because the soil improves as the cardboard breaks down, while the weeds continue to grow on top of the plastic or landscape paper, which makes it impossible to get rid of them. With all the wood chips from our downed trees, I've been hauling it into the garden to improve the soil and make weed-tending easier. 

After the cardboard has been laid, I then cover it with the chipped tree mulch. 

The peonies began to bloom just as frosty temperatures visited my garden. On June 15 and 16 we had overnight lows around 29.  

Even though everything was covered, my plants still took a "hit" from the frost, and will take a while to recover.  They will recover, but it has definitely set things back. 

You may remember I shared how a momma hen hatched 4 chicks of her own, and adopted 6 more that I put under her.  She raised them and cared for them until they left the coop and entered the big run with the other chickens.  Strangely enough, one day I saw a new hen mothering the chicks! The original momma has returned to laying eggs, and another hen has taken in and adopted the little ones! Nature never ceases to amaze me! 

Captured on our morning walk, our neighbor's horse is enjoying the green grass and abundant sunshine. We have had some glorious Spring days! 

Our kids all came together for Father's Day.  Our daughter got a new T-shirt -  it says "Eating tacos for two".  We enjoyed chicken fajitas together! 

Our kids with their dad! 

All of us together! In October, we will have the newest member of the family join us!
We can't wait! 

Morning walks with Riley - how we love walking with the delight of a new day upon us. 

I wish you could smell these heirloom peonies - they have the most delicate fragrance, with rosy overtones. A dear friend gave me a start from her mother-in-law's garden, and these have been around for over 80 years. I cherish every bloom! 

With summer arriving this week, I can hardly believe we are halfway through the year! I know it feels this way every year, that we wish time would slow down, but it seems to barrel along faster and faster every day.  

It's so important that we choose to live fully in every moment that we have - each second of our life is one that we will never get back again. 

My heart's determination is to make every second count and to soak up all the beauty and wonder of the world the Lord has created for us to enjoy, and I praise Him for His creation which always points my heart back to trusting Him for all things. 

This is my newest video sharing some of the aurora photos that I took back in May paired with instrumental worship music.  I took over 300 pictures on two different occasions!  It was such a magnificent experience to see the aurora on Mother's Day weekend.  I've seen them many times, but never as powerful as they were on that Friday night.  I hope you will enjoy the video!  

Psalm 121 (KJV) 
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, 
from whence cometh my help. 
My help cometh from the Lord, 
which made heaven and earth. 
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: 
He that keepeth thee will not slumber. 
Behold He that keepeth Israel 
shall neither slumber nor sleep. 
The Lord is thy keeper, 
the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.  
The sun shall not smoke thee by day 
nor the moon by night.  
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: 
He shall preserve thy soul.  
The Lord shall preserve 
thy going out and thy coming in 
from this time forth 
and even for evermore. 

May your hearts be blessed and encouraged by this video - and in knowing that the God who created this magnificent universe for us to dwell in, has a plan and a purpose for everything that is happening, and we can look to Him for our peace and contentment, in the midst of difficult seasons. 

Much love to all of you, my dear and precious readers! 


  1. Dearest Marilyn,
    What gorgeous peonies and indeed it ought to be possible to transmit fragrances...
    Your images from nature and your garden are always stunning!
    LOVE the Carolina wren, they are such industrious little birds and their voices are special.
    Happy family gathering and one more on the way for sharing such moments in the future.
    Indeed, time is racing and hard to keep up with things!

    1. Fragrance transmittal would be such a wonderful thing, I agree! The Carolina wrens are adorable, and they keep me entertained in the garden, as long as I don't get too close to their nest :) Blessings to you dear friend, I think of you often in your loss and grief, and keep you in my prayers!

  2. Hello Marilyn, your Psalm is perfect for your photos and video. You certainly had different weather than us last weekend, even though we had a very cool wave it is far over with 95 in north central Ohio. Not at all normal this time of year. I wondered how your veggies might be doing after starting your blog. Glad you could cover so much. Your husband had a great Father's Day and next year think of how your son-in-law will feel! Lynn and Precious

    1. Thank you Lynn, it was a tough Father's Day without my dad, but I am blessed with wonderful men in my life! Our weather has really heated up here, and summer is in full swing! Many blessings to you!

  3. Oh how beautiful the peonies are and I know the fragrance is so sweet. Looks like you have a great set up there with your gardening. We have not had a garden in years. I do miss having one though. Our Spring has been long gone, as we are reaching temps in the 90's with feels like temps close to a 100. Great pictures of your family.

    1. Thank you for your visit Shug! It has just gotten hot here, but it still cools down at night, for which we are thankful for! I appreciate your kind words! Many blessings to you!

  4. I always enjoy your photos! I love peonies but we can't get them to bloom here. Yours are so pretty!
    nice pics of the family including your cute little mama!

    1. Thank you Mari, I appreciate your comments so much too! We are very excited about our new little one coming in October :) Blessings to you!

  5. Hello Marilyn! I can smell those roses from here. We had several wild rose bushes as I grew up and I loved the aroma.
    I've heard about the weather from friends. It's sure been up and down...just like here. We're heading to Spokane next week and are really looking forward to it.
    I'm sorry about your garden. Hopefully the summer will be a long one with plenty of warmth and sunshine to grow those plants for harvest.
    Your family does look as though you enjoy your time together. Your daughter's shirt is really cute.
    Praying for glorious summer days ahead.

    1. I just love the wild roses - they speak spring louder than anything else! We are finally now getting the heat after such an interesting spring! Things are looking better in the garden, thankfully! Many blessings to you, dear friend!

  6. Enjoy the summer, Marilyn…without any more frost, I hope.

    1. Thanks Marie - it seems the frost days have passed, and summer is here with 100+ temps, lol!

  7. A beautiful post Marilyn. Looks like Father’s Day was very special. Love the story about the hen and. chicks. Nature is pretty amazing. Tacos for two is so cute. Your flowers are lovely. Happy summer Marilyn.🩷

    1. It was a very special Father's Day Linda, even though my heart just misses my dad so much. It does amaze me always to see the chicken antics! Yes, I love her tacos for two shirt! Thanks so much sweet friend! Always appreciate your visits!

  8. How I loved your video, your photographs of your garden and flowers, and the scripture you've quoted here, Marilyn. Thank you for bringing such joy and peace into our hearts today. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family!

    1. Oh Martha, thank you, I appreciate your kind visits and comments so very much! You and Danny are always in my prayers!

  9. I love the T-shirt... so much fun and excitement with little one on the way!

    1. We are so excited about the little one coming in October!

  10. Our white and pink peonies are inside sharing their beautiful fragrance with us and helping our home to smell nice. Those freezing temps were such a surprise. Weeds are in charge here in many areas right now. Looks like you have a good plan to stay on top of yours. What a very special October you are going to have. I love that t-shirt! I'd love a taco right about now. Love our LORD and that Psalm. Happy Summer to you!!

    1. Indeed, it has been a wonderful spring for sure! Much to rejoice about! Many blessings!

  11. Lovely photographs ... I especially enjoyed seeing your peonies, such lovely blooms.

    It looks like you all enjoyed a very nice family get-together for Father's Day.

    Wishing you happy summer days.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, it was a very special Father's Day, but we missed my dad so much. Many blessings to you!

  12. Beautiful flowers and birds; I just love them- who wouldn't? Wow, can't believe you had freezing temperatures, when it's in the 90s here, and a forecast of 100 coming up!
    Looks like your husband had a good Father's Day!
    I always love reading your encouraging and faith-building words. Thank you!
    God bless,

    1. Thank you Valentine, yes, those freezing temps really caught us off guard, but thankfully most things are making a comeback, I'm grateful! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  13. Oh that double rainbow ... God keeps His promises, for sure. I'm so grateful for that reality ...

    1. I just love double rainbows too - they are double the promise I think! I am forever grateful for His eternal promises!

  14. Your description of spring transitioning into summer is beautifully vivid and captures the essence of gardening and nature's resilience. Despite the challenges like late frosts, your garden seems to thrive with the fragrance of wild roses and the lively presence of wrens. Your dedication to improving pathways with cardboard and wood chips shows a thoughtful approach to sustainability and soil health. Wishing your peonies and the rest of your garden a quick recovery from the frost!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful and kind words - we have definitely had challenges this year in the garden with so many different things, but the loveliness of the world around us is such a blessing! Thank you for your kind wishes - thankfully most things have revived, and are making progress. Many blessings to you!

  15. precious friend Marilyn your spring is exceptional undoubtedly wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    despite abrupt frost your garden is doing great by the grace of God ! ad i am grateful for this that you have so much wisdom that helps you to solve all the issues brought by seasonal disturbance .
    i can relate your desire to make your reader friends smell the fragrance :) yes i feel same strong desire when something or some moment special i have around :) it seems so natural that we want to share the goodness further :) the flower was so gorgeous and the fragrance must be the divine as well :)
    hard work can be seen how your garden setting has taken place hats off to you !
    may God keep showering his grace upon you and loved ones each day amen!
    the blue bird and the wren bird are enhancing the beauty of your garden as well :) a true spring treat for r the soul of an observant and curious eye :)enjoy!
    i really enjoyed though i had to move it little faster due to lack of time (sorry) but it took quite minutes .
    sending you best wishes and hugs !
    the hen story made me think and smile ,seems that pets 's consciousness is also evolving just like humans :)
    i want to thank you specially for the magical and breathtakingly beautiful video or auroras what a bliss to witness such stunning natural phenomena from close wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your setting of photos was so nice and intelligently done

    1. Sweet Baili, your comments are such a treasure to me! Thank you for your visits, your precious thoughts shared, how they bless my soul! The frost was indeed so difficult, but thankfully, warmer weather has arrived, and things are doing better. I am so thankful! I appreciate your visits and your comments so very much and I am thrilled that my pictures and videos are enjoyed, may God receive the glory! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  16. Oh, sweet friend! I so enjoyed this post! I am so far behind in my blog reading and am trying to get caught up today. I cherish your blog so much and save your posts in my inbox. I miss you terribly in our Bible study and am so sorry the app is so frustrating. I pray God will fix whatever is wrong. Your comments are always so deep and edifying. I loved seeing all the photos of your family and garden and the northern lights. Your beautiful life and work are such a blessing to me. Sending live, hugs, and gratitude to you today!

    1. I wish they could fix the app issues as well, it is indeed frustrating, but continuing to pray and hope that things will change! It is such a blessing to study the Word with other ladies, and so many times, it is those comments that bless me so much! Thank you for your kind words, and precious friendship, I treasure it so much! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  17. Such beautiful pictures! I love your daughter's shirt! I know how excited you are for that baby! I'm excited for you!

    1. We are so excited Jeannette, and wow, the days are passing quickly, won't be long and we will be able to meet this little one! Many blessings to you :)


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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