Mom's Visit, A Baby Shower and 4th Celebrations

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mom arrived at the end of June, just in time to enjoy our beautiful cool weather. Coming from the triple-digit Texas heat, she was thrilled to be here! She stayed for 10 days, and left the day our weather turned hot! It was a blessed trip, and time for all of us, in every way. 

My peonies really began to open up and bloom while Mom was here. 

June's full moon came up over the distant pine trees and I captured this picture of their shadow on the moon. 

The week before Mom arrived, our neighbors held a branding and potluck. 

It was hard to hear the momma's bleating for their calves which had been separated from them so they would receive their branding. 

Each man that came was given an important job in the process, and even still, there was one runaway calf that escaped the corral and had to be chased down! 

Afterward, all the neighbors visited with a potluck meal. Yummy food and a great time to visit with the neighbors in our community. 

Mom had a wonderful time putting puzzles together. She is a top-notch puzzler! 

We enjoyed fresh strawberries from the garden! Our strawberry crop this year is small because we had that late freeze on June 15/16. 

More puzzles with Danielle and Mom

We had lunch one afternoon at a local cafe after a morning of thrift shopping together. 

We visited Sandpoint and walked around City Beach. It was a beautiful evening! 

On Saturday, Mom, Danielle, and I went to Creston, British Columbia, Canada for the day. It is about a 2-hour drive from our home. 

We got a Tim Horton's coffee, walked around downtown, visited the Farmer's Market, and had the best time at a little bookstore. 

It is always nice to go back to our homeland and visit, even if it is on the opposite side of the country we were born in! Beautiful vistas! 

We stopped in Bonner's Ferry to visit the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge and hike a short distance to Myrtle Creek Falls. It was a beautiful sight to see!

Sunday was Danielle's baby shower! 

Danielle is glowing in the second trimester of her pregnancy! 

All the food! Mom made homemade rolls with chicken salad and apple pie. I made tortilla roll-ups and salsa. Lots of fresh fruit and yummy goodies to snack on! 

Danielle's mother and sisters-in-law decorated and had the shower. Everything was beautiful! 

The cupcakes were delicious, made by one of Zak's sisters. 

Danielle with the two great-grandmothers to be! 

One day we ate at a local burger and ice cream restaurant, one of my Dad's favorite places to visit. 

Mom fell in love with little Bandit! Who couldn't love this sweet little darling? {smiles}  

Strawberries and cream! 

Mom helped Alanna with a quilt that she had been making, and they had a great time together! They got the bulk of the quilt done together. 

We took Mom up to Priest Lake on July 4th. What a beautiful day it was! 

We enjoyed a meal on the lawn of Elkin's Resort on the shores of Priest Lake. 

The food was excellent, and the views were superb! The bonus was that Riley could join us, and she was thrilled about that! 

Mom and I got the fish and chips - oh it was marvelous! Highly recommend this restaurant if you're ever in the area. 

We went to a friend's home for a July 4th potluck and fireworks.

Too soon, it was time for Mom to leave. We had breakfast together the morning she left. 

We went to visit Manito Park before her flight left. 

The roses were in full bloom and gorgeous! 

The English garden - Duncan Gardens is just beautiful! 

We went to visit downtown Spokane and the beautiful Spokane River and Falls. 

It was hard to say goodbye, but the best part was knowing we would see each other again soon with a new grandbaby arrival :) 

It's been a wonderful month with my mom here visiting, and now summer has arrived with temps over100+. The nice thing here is that it cools down into the 50s, so we open our windows at night and close them during the day, and the house stays very cool this way. 

This is my most recent worship video of short choruses that are uplifting and edifying, perfect for moments when your heart needs encouragement! 
Blessings to each of you! 


  1. It sounds like your mother had a wonderful visit! Such a blessing! Your pictures are always beautiful! God bless!

    1. It was a very precious visit, memories made we will always treasure! Blessings to you dear friend!

  2. How wonderful you can spend time with your mom and share the anticipation of the grandbaby. So blessed!

    1. It was such a special time, Marie. I am grateful for every memory!

  3. What a wonderful baby shower with the decorations and food, and those cupcakes! Your peonies are so pretty, and they are a striking color. So nice that you got to spend time with your mom, Marilyn. That's a sweet picture of you and your mom in Sandpoint. Thrift shopping is fun and so relaxing browsing through all the isles, and even better when we find a goody to bring home. I always felt so bad for the calves in the branding process. I'm glad Danielle is doing so well in her second trimester.

    Enjoy these July days, Marilyn. It's pretty warm here, in the 90's, but not as hot as the valley 50 min. away. It got to 115 there, oh my .


    ***and thank you, again, for your bigger font. I can read your posts so clearly now. : )

    1. I know what you mean about the font size, and I forgot to "upgrade it" on that post, and it really does make a difference when you can easily read someone's post! We are definitely enjoying the warm days, its a blessing to see the garden begin to really flourish with the heat. Yes, branding is always so hard to see. But, it is part of the farm life, for sure. We had such a special time with Mom, I am so grateful for the memories!

  4. What a wonderful post! So filled with happy memories! I'm so thankful your mom could come visit you. I know the absence of your dad was so keenly felt and must have been sad, but it is such a blessing for the rest of you to be able to be together and share those special moments. May God bless all of you with many more happy times together! I love and appreciate you, dear friend.

    1. Oh it was Cheryl, we had such a special time with Mom, and so many memories of time spent with Dad shared. I treasure each memory in my heart! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  5. This is such a happy post! I'm so happy your mom could come and take part in so many fun things, especially that baby shower. Danielle looks wonderful. I enjoyed every photo!

    1. It was such a blessing for all of us to be together, Mari! Special memories treasured up in our heart forever! Many blessings to you :)

  6. Your mom is such a beautiful woman, Marilyn, and I can tell she's excited to soon be a great-grandmother to Danielle's baby. Thanks for these gorgeous photos of your precious family and the scenic splendor you get to enjoy up your way. Stay cool!

    1. My mom is so precious, we love her so much, and were so thankful to have these days together, moments we will always treasure! Blessings to you dear friend!

  7. It looks and sounds that you had a wonderful visit with your Mum.
    I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was such a special visit Jan! And funny you said Mum, we called our Mom "Mum" when we lived in Canada, I think it is more a British or Canadian term. Always appreciate your visits! Many blessings to you!

  8. How wonderful your mom could visit with ya'll! Looks like it was a blessed time.
    Beautiful baby shower and Danielle looks lovely! I'm so happy for your family!
    Gorgeous pictures of the lake and park!!!
    May the Lord continue to bless you and your family, Marilyn.

    1. It was such a special time Valentine, many memories made with my mother that we will always treasure! Continuing to keep your family in our prayers. I know times are rough for you. Much love to you dear friend!

    2. Thank you, Marilyn, for your prayers!

  9. How wonderful you mom got to visit with all of you. Looks like a fun time was had by all. Danielle is glowing. So exciting waiting for a new baby. The scenery is beautiful Marilyn. Stay cool.

    1. It was a precious time Linda. I'm so grateful for every moment! We are blessed here with such gorgeous views, I never want to take them for granted! Many blessings to you!

  10. What a wonderful visit you all had with your dear mom. You packed in a lot of beautiful things to see and enjoy. So sweet that your grandchild has two great grandparents! I've been spying Elkins on Facebook and I know I'd enjoy their food and views. We have been opening our windows in the wee hours to cool things down before the temp outside matches the temp inside and then we close it all up for the rest of the day. More hot days promised ahead. God bless you all...

    1. You would love Elkins, Ellen. Truly a gem in the woods! We had a wonderful time with my Mom, I'm so grateful! Yes, the heat is here for a little while. Trying to make the best of it! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  11. Hello! What a beautiful mother you have! I am so happy you had such a wonderful visit with her. And so exciting about the new baby!!!

    1. Lots of excitement around here for sure, Billie Jo! I'm grateful, and just thank the Lord every day for His blessings! Much love to you dear friend!

  12. Well that just looks like the perfect visit! You must've been thrilled to have her with you and she must've been thrilled to be there for the baby shower! Blessings to you all!!

    1. Oh it was a perfect visit in every way Kim! Mom came at the perfect time! The heat came the day she left, amazing! She has had such awful heat in TX that it was a respite for her to enjoy our weather! Now - its hot here, lol! We are so excited about the new grandbaby! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  13. How wonderful for you all that she was able to make the trip, especially able to be there for the baby shower. Sounds like you all kept very busy and had a great time together. Wonderful memories being made!!

  14. This is such a fun post as I know you totally enjoyed having your mom visit. She has a beautiful smile and I know it was wonderful for her to get out of our Texas heat. It has been horrible. You all did so many exciting things and it was great that she could be there for the baby shower. Thanks for sharing your mom with us on your post..

  15. Hi, I always enjoy your posts. I loved seeing your mom so happy and hearing about her visit. And the lovely baby shower.
    Continuing to pray for your daughter, baby, daddy and your family.
    Love, Carla

  16. Marilyn... so glad your mom was able to be there for such a nice long visit! I'm sure it wasn't long enough though! Wish she could move up to your area...... you sure did squeeze ALOT into the 10 days! Wow! I loved all the photos of you and your mom, and your girls.... how fun to have lunch and shop! You have such gorgeous areas to visit up there. I remember Elkins Resort. I was up there way back in the early 80's with my first born son, his dad, and his aunt and uncle and son at that time.. I remember visiting that resort and wishing we could stay there! I don't think we ate or even if they had a restaurant at that time, but was just in awe of the lake and how clear it was. We stayed in a funky little run down cabin up the lake further but still had a great time. such good memories of there.
    The baby shower looked like it was put together just right.. and the food of your lunches and potlucks... yum!
    I too amy very glad to see the larger font! it was hard to read and I had to get really close on my computer (and my phone!). Thank you!
    Summer is in full swing now.. I even had a few strawberries from my little patch, and some blueberries from the neighbor's bush, which she said can be MY bush since she has 3 others on the other side of her house! What a blessing! Have made some blueberry crisp which was delicious.
    Take care and enjoy these "lazy" (ha ha) summer days! Hugs... Marilyn

  17. Oh my Marilyn, what a wonderful, happy post with your Mom's visit, and Danielle's baby shower. You were able to pack a lot into those days. What a blessing to have two great grandmothers for the new baby. Soon your mom will return when the new baby arrives. This is such an exciting time for your family.

  18. dear Marilyn i can only imagine your joy when your mom visited you during such lovely season :) all the gorgeous places you visited with and all the joyous moments you spent with her reflect beautifully on your face glow and prettiest smile :)))
    you guys seems to enjoy beautiful weather thoroughly and the lake stole my heart absolutely what a wonderful place with dazzling serene water and lush views wow
    the bleating baby goat hurts i agree and sensitive hearts feel this strongly !
    everything at party looks great .
    congrats to your daughter for her baby shower she looks Divine and stunning by the grace of God! May God be showering his grace upon her each moment ameen!
    i also enjoyed the video thought not full this time as laptop came to me when it's dinner time almost and i have to rush .everyone at the gathering looks great and happy :) food looks yummy .
    health peace and more happiness to you and loved ones !

  19. Dearest Marilyn,
    Don't know where my previous comment went...
    I had especially commented on how happy your Mom looks at Sandpoint where you walked around City Beach!
    Happy times and also happy expectations for the new baby.


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


alpaca Annie apple pie apron baking bible study tea Big Shot birthday blessings blooms bone broth book book review bread camping Canada canning Charity Gayle Chicken and dumplings chicken fajitas chickens Christmas cinnamon tea comfort food cookbook coyote crocus cross Dad visit dandelion tea death Debt free deer devotion digital scrapbooking dill pickles dog dress dried raspberry leaves Easter Edna Moseley eggs elderberry syrup Ellgreave. face masks fall familycookbookproject fire flu flu remedy fog Foxwood Tea House game camera garden garden bluebird garden tea party gardening giveaway Gram greenhouse handmade blouse Handmade Club harvest hike homemade bread homemade tortillas homemade vanilla extract Homer Laughlin hummingbirds hurricane hyacinth inspirational inspirational post iron skillet biscuits January 2013 jelly joy keto kombucha light llama logging love story Lucky the Elephant miracle Mister Simba moose Mother's Day Mountains MTS Photography mudslide music video Northern Lights orange orange vinegar spray Paintbrush Cookies painting peace PEI photography Pico de gallo pie crust plums poem poetry praise prayer Prince Edward Island pumpkin pie puppy kiss rainbow recipe recipes red barn resurrection Riley robin Roger Rose Hips roses scallop die scripture journal season seasons seed starting sewing she-shed skies snake snow song sourdough spain spring springter squirrel Star of Bethlehem storm storms suffering summer sunflower sunflowers sunrise sunset sunshine tea tea exchange tea house Tea party tea time Tea Time Magazine teacup teacup exchange teapot texas Thanksgiving Through Love's Eyes tiramisu tomatoes travel Tribute Tulips turkey turkey soup turkeys Turnbull Wildlife Refuge video walk walk the dogs walking wedding wildlife winter wolf zucchini