The glorious days of May have slipped by us so quickly - so much has happened in May that I haven't had time to post any updates. The biggest event was a quick trip to Texas. My Dad's birthday was on May 19, and we gathered to remember him on his birthday. We also visited his grave where the tombstone was newly set. My sister and I visited Dad's tombstone with Mom for the first time and then the rest of our family gathered later.
My Dad and Dan's Mom both passed last year. Her tombstone was also recently set, and we were able to drive out and visit her tombstone. I cleaned up the grave area, as the cemetery she rests in doesn't care for the graves as nicely. We planted flowers, and put solar lights on either side of the grave. No family lives close by to where she was buried. Thankfully - my Dad is buried not far away from my family so they can keep an eye on his grave.
Dan and I visited Dad's grave for the last time before leaving Texas. I still can't believe we both lost our parents last year, and the loss still aches in our hearts. I am glad we can visit their graves, although we know they are eternally with the Lord. We just miss their earthly presence so much!
When we got home, my crabapple tree was in full bloom! Oh, how I love the bloom of fruit trees in spring!
One day last week I visited Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge with a friend of mine who is also a photographer.
We saw many beautiful blooms - this wild orchid blooming happily away.
It was a beautiful day with blue skies, fluffy clouds, a brisk breeze, and abundant sunshine.
Danielle and I enjoyed a day together. She is "showing" now, and is feeling great. Baby is healthy, and doing great, with lots of baby kicks, especially at night!
We stopped by an amazing store called "Inland Mama" in Coeur d'Alene. The owner took over an hour to show Danielle and I all the different options for momma & baby. Different kinds of slings, strollers, car seats, and cloth diapers. Yes - Danielle is going to use cloth diapers! I think it's wonderful, and will be great savings for them, and so much better for the baby.
Lupins are now blooming, and oh how I love them! Such vibrant purple blues that shine. Truly, Spring has arrived! The wild roses will be in bloom quite soon...
Another keto meal I made this week - and wanted to share. I've experimented with shirataki noodles, and actually find them not bad. Certainly nothing comes close to real pasta, but - these noodles are pretty good - especially when all you've been eating is meat and vegetables! I used the fettuccine noodles to make Beef Stroganoff. Here is my simple recipe:
1 pound stew meat 2 cups bone broth Salt & Pepper to taste 8 oz cream cheese Splash heavy cream 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast 1 pkg fettuccine shirataki noodles, rinsed and drained well
I used my Instant Pot - but you can use whatever method you like to slow-cook the stew meat. The crock pot or on the stove works too! I cooked my meat in the Instant Pot on meat setting for 30 minutes, with the stew meat, bone broth and salt & pepper. When the Instant Pot has cooled down, remove lid, and remove meat. Stir in cream cheese, heavy cream, nutritional yeast and mix well until cream cheese is well incorporated. Mix in the shirataki noodles and serve immediately. I like to serve with a salad. We also enjoyed canned green beans from my last year's garden as a side.
My irises are in bloom - I just love the blooms that springtime brings us!
We went for a quad ride over the past weekend with neighbors and enjoyed this beautiful view overlooking our hometown. Amazing to see the snow on the distant peaks still!
Some exciting things are happening! We have decided to purchase a mobile home to replace the home we are living in now. Our tiny home was meant to be temporary, but we've been in it for almost 9 years! So, it was time for us to get a home. We had intended to build a home, but with prices skyrocketing, it made more sense for us to buy a mobile home at this point in our lives. So, we recently broke ground for its arrival!
The concrete has been poured, and our home is being built now. The anticipated date of arrival for the home is still a couple of months out, but it is exciting to see the progress taking place! It will be a small home, just Dan and & and the animals of course, but it will serve us the remainder of our days. We are excited about it, and I will continue to share updates about the progress as it happens.
Little Bandit is doing well, he has recovered from the health struggles he had when we got him as a kitten (blood in stool). He is growing, and all our kitties are a big happy family now. He is such a lovable darling, now we can't imagine our lives without him!
As June settles in - the days keep slipping by faster and faster - do you feel that way? How can it already be June, and the year of 2024 half over?
It is also hard to believe that a year ago on June 9, my precious Dad passed away. Our lives were turned upside down on that day, and now it has been a year since it happened. I'm grateful for the legacy that he left for us, but wish that he could enjoy meeting his first great-grandchild this October too! But, I am thankful for the time that we had with him, short-lived as it was. This is one of my favorite pictures of Dad overlooking our mountains. He loved to come to Idaho and see the mountains.
He loved Idaho and the mountains so much. This picture makes me smile to think of all the wonderful times we had together when he came to visit.
This is not a new video, but probably one of my favorites of all the videos I've made. I like to watch this video in the disastrous world we are living in - with so much going on. I took these pictures back in 2020 when covid was going strong, and there was so much fear in our hearts. On my evening walk, as I looked at the clouds and prayed about so many things, I saw this Hand in the Sky! It still amazes me to this day when I look at this picture, and realize that the Hand of God appeared to me as a record that He had heard my cries - and He continues to hear our cries today.
Dear ones, we are cradled in the Hand of the Lord when we put our trust in Him. No matter how difficult our circumstances may seem, He has the answer, He is the Master of the Wind! He is the Master of every storm we face. Trust Him for the impossible. He will make a way!
Dearest Marilyn, Danielle sure is showing her pregnancy! That is the good thing about life—some exit as others will make their entree. What a lovely nature and Bandit looks indeed like a very happy kitty. Good luck in building your mobile home and hoping it is sturdy enough for standing through storms and such. Hugs, Mariette
Ah, it seems that May was a bittersweet month for you. Loss is so difficult, it hangs heavier on your heart at certain times...I'm sure the excitement of the new baby helps! The days ahead are sure to be bright and full of fun. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
May looks to have been beautiful and also bittersweet. It was nice you were able to go and visit the graves of your dearly loved parents. I'm sure missing my Dad too as it's been a little over a year. So thankful to know where he is! I love the picture of your Dad looking at the mountains. Danielle looks great! It's so exciting to look forward to a new home. I'll be looking forward to photos.
The days and months seem to go by so quickly, and here we are in June. Loss is never easy but our memories of loved ones are very special. I enjoyed seeing your photographs and thank you for sharing your recipe, it looks tasty.
Sending my good wishes.
All the best Jan
No matter how old we get, we never stop missing our parents when they pass. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories of your father and Dan's mother, Marilyn. I'm excited for you all with Danielle's pregnancy and your new home. Please do keep us up on all the progress you will be making in the next months. Blessings to you and yours!
Such a sweet photo of your dad. Our earthly losses are hard. It is so good to have a solid hope for our future. How exciting to be waiting for your new home to arrive. Nice to see it happen from the dirt up! October will be here before we know it and you'll be holding a wee babe. Sweet anticipation. Happy June to you and yours!
Marilyn, what marvelous news about a new house for you and your husband! How exciting a time. And with your grandchild on the way too. It is lovely to find nature giving us the glory of beautiful flowers in the Spring and Summer. As I go through the winter with just the gray trees and sky, I know there is a rainbow coming sooner or later. Nice to know the sweet Bandit is getting healthier by the day. I hope your veggie garden is coming along nicely. Have a wonderful June. Lynn and Precious
A beautiful post today Marilyn. Good and loving memories of our loved ones who have gone to Heaven before us. We WILL see them again someday soon. The photos of the mountains are so gorgeous and welcome. I've been to Turnbull many times and always find it so beautifu. How fun for you and Danielle to spend the day, anticipating the new life that your family is being blessed with. I'm happy that you and Dan will have a new home to enjoy in the beautiful mountains of N. Idaho. We'll be heading that direction beginning the end of June. Our plans are to be in Spokane for two weeks at the beginning of July. We can't wait to see "our" mountains again and spend some timeat the coast in Oregon too. Blessings and hugs, Betsy
It was so nice for you to visit the cemetery and see your loved ones. I've always found the cemetery to be a peaceful place, often with the geese hanging out around the sites. Your irises are so pretty, and what a striking purple color they are. How fun for Danielle to go to the mama shop and look around at all the baby things. They have so much new stuff in today's world. I also used cloth diapers for a time when Nel was a baby. Your crabapple tree is beautiful. That's exciting news about your mobile home. I hope all goes well in the planning.
May you have wonderful June days, Marilyn.
**your font was so small today that I could barely read it. Not sure if you changed the font size or what. ; )
Marilyn, your font is bigger and darker, thank you! I appreciate that so much. I can read blogs better with the bigger font with these tired eyes. Thank you, sweet friend.
I love all of your beautiful photos and what a great idea for the little solar lanterns. I think i'll get a couple more (I have one on my front stoop and one on my deck along with a solor light wind chime and 2 mini solar lanterns for 2 pots of flowers near the fire pit) and bring them out for my parents' graves in central NY.
I REALLY LOVE that your daughter is going to do a cloth diaper service!! I did for both of my daughters. Neither one of them ever had any diaper rash, and what a savings for our wonderful creation and for our budget! I loved when those fresh diapers would be delivered and dirty ones carted away. The only time I used disposable ones was when we camped. And both girls were toilet taught by age 2.5 and I know part of it was because they did NOT like that wet cloth on their behinds! haha!
How fun to be getting a new home. My sister and her husband live in central NY in a mobile home that now looks like a small ranch as they've done some adding on, etc. And they are also farmers (goats, chickens, ducks, pigs and a veggie garden).
dear Marilyn your first two images make my heart sad and heavy .i agree it is necessary to have graveyard close to community where we live so can visit often and look after the place as well .i miss such privilege bitterly ! i can relate to your grief as you have lost both parents now .they leave an emptiness within heart hard to explain despite all the life that goes on after all .may you find more peace in coming days amen! i love how your precious little girl is shaving happier and healthier days of pregnancy by the grace of God ! may God pass this phase for her with ease and joy amen! it was surprise actually a happy one that you guys are going to shift in moving house . i often found such life style fascinating and more meaningful in terms of diversity of environment we can explore meanwhile . i think you will too find it exciting by the time hopefully :) heart felt best wishes for everything you want to do in days ahead my friend! the image of your dad from his last trip is touching and beautifully captured indeed.the memories related to those precious time will never fad from your heart i bet . thanks for sharing lovely and awesome photos of your magical surroundings .you certainly live in heavenly valley full of breathtaking views . thanks for lovely video which melts my heart with gravity of love i feel for Divine ! hugs and best wishes !
Hi, Thank you for sharing your heart with us .... grief is real and many times we cover it up.
We used cloth diapers too. :-) I am so excited for you to share more of the baby items and ideas with us. I am excited for you to share the journey of your new home with us too. Carla
Hi Marilyn, Sorry I'm a bit late commenting. My family recently became homeless, but try to go to the library to catch up on emails, blogs, and such. Looks like a beautiful resting spot for your dad, and I'm glad you were able to fix up where Dan's mom is buried. Again, I'm so sorry for your losses. :( Beautiful photos of the mountains and flowers!!!! Aww, Danielle looks so happy! Glad her pregnancy is going well. And congrats on your upcoming mobile home! Thank you for the reminder that we are cradled in the hand of the Lord. God bless, Valentine
Congrats on your new mobile home coming soon! Is it larger than your temp one??? Funny how "temporary" can turn into years! Love your gorgeous photos of your earthly Heaven! How fun to spend time with your daughter and look at baby things. I used cloth diapers for both my boys. Didn't have a service, just washed them myself and LOTS of folding over and over again! I would do it again that way. Your meal looks so good. I'm going to try those noodles. I eat almost totally grain free now, but my weak spot is sugar. June is speeding by way to fast. We are having a gorgeous week here on the coast! Blessings to you....Marilyn
Marilyn, how exciting you are starting on your new home. When the time comes that we can no longer keep up here at the Cottage That is the road I hope we can travel. I bet you can't wait..Happy Summer days..xxoJudy
Oh, sweet friend! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get here, and it was so wonderful to visit with you today and catch up. I cannot believe it has already been a year since your dear dad was called to heaven. I also didn't realize our dads died on such close dates. My daddy died on June 5, 2000. I also didn't think about the similarities as far as births. I was 11.5 weeks pregnant with Zach when my daddy died, and he never got to see Zach, sort of like your dad not getting to see Danielle's baby. It is all so very sad and we wonder about things, but we know our dads are in heaven and enjoying so far beyond what they could ever experience in this life. It is so sad and difficult that both of you lost parents in the same year. My heart goes out to you and I pray God will lift the sadness in every moment of grief. Sending much love and many hugs your way today.
Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!
Please click here to visit my exciting NEW Website!
Author Profile
I am an avid hobby photographer living in North Idaho who shares her photography and inspirational writings on my blog
Through Love's Eyes
This inspirational book was written by me with photography of the four seasons of North Idaho. You can purchase my book here! I appreciate your support!
Dearest Marilyn,
ReplyDeleteDanielle sure is showing her pregnancy!
That is the good thing about life—some exit as others will make their entree.
What a lovely nature and Bandit looks indeed like a very happy kitty.
Good luck in building your mobile home and hoping it is sturdy enough for standing through storms and such.
Ah, it seems that May was a bittersweet month for you. Loss is so difficult, it hangs heavier on your heart at certain times...I'm sure the excitement of the new baby helps! The days ahead are sure to be bright and full of fun. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
ReplyDeleteMay looks to have been beautiful and also bittersweet. It was nice you were able to go and visit the graves of your dearly loved parents. I'm sure missing my Dad too as it's been a little over a year. So thankful to know where he is!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of your Dad looking at the mountains.
Danielle looks great!
It's so exciting to look forward to a new home. I'll be looking forward to photos.
The days and months seem to go by so quickly, and here we are in June.
ReplyDeleteLoss is never easy but our memories of loved ones are very special.
I enjoyed seeing your photographs and thank you for sharing your recipe, it looks tasty.
Sending my good wishes.
All the best Jan
I am so sorry for your loss! The pictures you share are always so peaceful and beautiful. Your new mobile home sounds wonderful! God bless!
ReplyDeleteNo matter how old we get, we never stop missing our parents when they pass. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories of your father and Dan's mother, Marilyn.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for you all with Danielle's pregnancy and your new home. Please do keep us up on all the progress you will be making in the next months.
Blessings to you and yours!
Anniversary of the passing of a loved one can be tough. Take care, Marilyn!
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet photo of your dad. Our earthly losses are hard. It is so good to have a solid hope for our future. How exciting to be waiting for your new home to arrive. Nice to see it happen from the dirt up!
ReplyDeleteOctober will be here before we know it and you'll be holding a wee babe. Sweet anticipation. Happy June to you and yours!
Marilyn, what marvelous news about a new house for you and your husband! How exciting a time. And with your grandchild on the way too. It is lovely to find nature giving us the glory of beautiful flowers in the Spring and Summer. As I go through the winter with just the gray trees and sky, I know there is a rainbow coming sooner or later. Nice to know the sweet Bandit is getting healthier by the day. I hope your veggie garden is coming along nicely. Have a wonderful June. Lynn and Precious
ReplyDeleteA beautiful post today Marilyn. Good and loving memories of our loved ones who have gone to Heaven before us. We WILL see them again someday soon. The photos of the mountains are so gorgeous and welcome. I've been to Turnbull many times and always find it so beautifu. How fun for you and Danielle to spend the day, anticipating the new life that your family is being blessed with.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that you and Dan will have a new home to enjoy in the beautiful mountains of N. Idaho.
We'll be heading that direction beginning the end of June. Our plans are to be in Spokane for two weeks at the beginning of July. We can't wait to see "our" mountains again and spend some timeat the coast in Oregon too.
Blessings and hugs,
How exciting to plan a new home! Exciting too knowing that soon you'll be great-grandparents 💗.
ReplyDeleteIt was so nice for you to visit the cemetery and see your loved ones. I've always found the cemetery to be a peaceful place, often with the geese hanging out around the sites. Your irises are so pretty, and what a striking purple color they are. How fun for Danielle to go to the mama shop and look around at all the baby things. They have so much new stuff in today's world. I also used cloth diapers for a time when Nel was a baby. Your crabapple tree is beautiful. That's exciting news about your mobile home. I hope all goes well in the planning.
ReplyDeleteMay you have wonderful June days, Marilyn.
**your font was so small today that I could barely read it. Not sure if you changed the font size or what. ; )
Marilyn, your font is bigger and darker, thank you! I appreciate that so much. I can read blogs better with the bigger font with these tired eyes. Thank you, sweet friend.
DeleteI love all of your beautiful photos and what a great idea for the little solar lanterns. I think i'll get a couple more (I have one on my front stoop and one on my deck along with a solor light wind chime and 2 mini solar lanterns for 2 pots of flowers near the fire pit) and bring them out for my parents' graves in central NY.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY LOVE that your daughter is going to do a cloth diaper service!! I did for both of my daughters. Neither one of them ever had any diaper rash, and what a savings for our wonderful creation and for our budget! I loved when those fresh diapers would be delivered and dirty ones carted away. The only time I used disposable ones was when we camped. And both girls were toilet taught by age 2.5 and I know part of it was because they did NOT like that wet cloth on their behinds! haha!
How fun to be getting a new home. My sister and her husband live in central NY in a mobile home that now looks like a small ranch as they've done some adding on, etc. And they are also farmers (goats, chickens, ducks, pigs and a veggie garden).
Yes May flew by.
dear Marilyn your first two images make my heart sad and heavy .i agree it is necessary to have graveyard close to community where we live so can visit often and look after the place as well .i miss such privilege bitterly !
ReplyDeletei can relate to your grief as you have lost both parents now .they leave an emptiness within heart hard to explain despite all the life that goes on after all .may you find more peace in coming days amen!
i love how your precious little girl is shaving happier and healthier days of pregnancy by the grace of God ! may God pass this phase for her with ease and joy amen!
it was surprise actually a happy one that you guys are going to shift in moving house . i often found such life style fascinating and more meaningful in terms of diversity of environment we can explore meanwhile . i think you will too find it exciting by the time hopefully :)
heart felt best wishes for everything you want to do in days ahead my friend!
the image of your dad from his last trip is touching and beautifully captured indeed.the memories related to those precious time will never fad from your heart i bet .
thanks for sharing lovely and awesome photos of your magical surroundings .you certainly live in heavenly valley full of breathtaking views .
thanks for lovely video which melts my heart with gravity of love i feel for Divine !
hugs and best wishes !
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your heart with us .... grief is real and many times we cover it up.
We used cloth diapers too. :-) I am so excited for you to share more of the baby items and ideas with us.
I am excited for you to share the journey of your new home with us too.
Hi Marilyn,
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm a bit late commenting. My family recently became homeless, but try to go to the library to catch up on emails, blogs, and such.
Looks like a beautiful resting spot for your dad, and I'm glad you were able to fix up where Dan's mom is buried. Again, I'm so sorry for your losses. :(
Beautiful photos of the mountains and flowers!!!! Aww, Danielle looks so happy! Glad her pregnancy is going well.
And congrats on your upcoming mobile home!
Thank you for the reminder that we are cradled in the hand of the Lord.
God bless,
Congrats on your new mobile home coming soon! Is it larger than your temp one??? Funny how "temporary" can turn into years!
ReplyDeleteLove your gorgeous photos of your earthly Heaven! How fun to spend time with your daughter and look at baby things. I used cloth diapers for both my boys. Didn't have a service, just washed them myself and LOTS of folding over and over again!
I would do it again that way.
Your meal looks so good. I'm going to try those noodles. I eat almost totally grain free now, but my weak spot is sugar.
June is speeding by way to fast. We are having a gorgeous week here on the coast!
Blessings to you....Marilyn
Marilyn, how exciting you are starting on your new home. When the time comes that we can no longer keep up here at the Cottage That is the road I hope we can travel. I bet you can't wait..Happy Summer days..xxoJudy
ReplyDeleteOh, sweet friend! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get here, and it was so wonderful to visit with you today and catch up. I cannot believe it has already been a year since your dear dad was called to heaven. I also didn't realize our dads died on such close dates. My daddy died on June 5, 2000. I also didn't think about the similarities as far as births. I was 11.5 weeks pregnant with Zach when my daddy died, and he never got to see Zach, sort of like your dad not getting to see Danielle's baby. It is all so very sad and we wonder about things, but we know our dads are in heaven and enjoying so far beyond what they could ever experience in this life. It is so sad and difficult that both of you lost parents in the same year. My heart goes out to you and I pray God will lift the sadness in every moment of grief. Sending much love and many hugs your way today.