Fall's Arriving in August!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

 Yes, it's true. It really is. Peeks of Fall/Autumn are showing up here, in August. This is not unusual for our area, but it still feels early! Some of our trees are already starting to turn, as you can see in this picture. My crabapple tree, lilacs, and maple trees have all started to turn colors. Our daylight hours are shortened from what they were a month ago. We are losing 1 minute of daylight a day as the sun inches back towards the equator away from us. My garden is still happy and doing well! But, I am soaking up every hour and minute of the last days of summer as we await the brilliantly beautiful season of fall. 

I was in a hurry when I made this bread. I made it this week, and it turned out wonderful! My sourdough starter was fed and then circumstances changed, and I wasn't able to be home for the 24-hour process of making the bread. So, I made this Hurry Up Sourdough Bread instead. (My own creation!) 
This is how I did it :) 

Hurry Up Sourdough Bread

2 cups sourdough starter
2-3 cups flour
1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp Everything Bagel seasoning

Stir starter, 1 cup flour, water, olive oil, and honey together. When dough starts to take form, stir in baking powder and salt. Continue to add flour 1/2 cup at a time until the dough is soft and pliable, about 10 minutes or so.  Place in a greased bowl. Cover and let it sit for 30-45 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 450, and place your Dutch oven pan in the oven to preheat also. When ready to bake, sprinkle Everything Bagel (or other seasoning of choice) on top of the dough.  Place dough on a piece of parchment paper then place into the heated Dutch oven. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake until the bread is browned or the internal temperature reaches 205 degrees.  Remove from the oven carefully and let cool. Slice, serve, and enjoy! 

The August super moon was so bright and beautiful! 

It was bright and very orange-looking, so incredible to see! 

August blooms are thrilling show-stoppers! 

August skies over the garden

We've spent as much time at the river as we can, as summer is a fleeting season here! 

An evening walk through our acreage shows that Fall indeed is here, in the middle of August! I love the season of fall, and I'm not sad that it is arriving - but I do love the last bits of summer too! 

Sunflower blooms are late summer's greatest joy! 

My hollyhock has finally bloomed! I wasn't sure it would, as it started from seed this spring. It is a show-stopper too! 

Another joy of summertime! Watermelon was enjoyed outside on our front porch on a beautiful summer evening. 

Our neighbor found a baby kitten perhaps 1-day-old crying in their shed. Evidently, a stray cat gave birth and left this kitten behind. They've been bottle-feeding her for the past month, and I've helped to care for her on days they couldn't be home. Isn't she precious! 

But I can tell you who was not happy to meet the newcomer! Mr. Bandit. He didn't like his position of love and attention being stolen, not one bit! And Riley was just worried about the whole situation in general. Our animals keep us entertained, don't they? 

Mr. Bandit is growing by leaps and bounds, and we realized it especially after caring for the little kitten! 

August skies never fail to delight, especially as Autumn colors deepen! 

Morning walks are brisk now - and I am wearing a flannel jacket in the mornings! 

Here are some short videos to enjoy :) 

It amazes me how fast the seasons change - in nature, as well as in our lives. Soon, our little grandbaby will be here (October 1st is the due date) and our home is to arrive in late September.  Life could get very hectic in a hurry! 

For now, I am enjoying, savoring, and soaking in the beautiful moments of late summer, as fall approaches. This is God's design - enjoy the beauty of His creation, and find peace, solace, and comfort in knowing that seasons of life come and go - but He is God, always! We can trust Him in each season, whatever season it is :)  

Many blessings to each of you! 


  1. As always your photos are just beautiful! God's creation showing his majesty!

  2. Dearest Marilyn,
    Your hollyhock is a stunner! Pieter especially loved them but we tried here in the South to grow some, it is too hot...
    That kitty is lucky for being noticed and cared for!
    The wildlife on your acreage is also interesting to watch.
    Still above 86°F here every day and I'm looking forward to our Indian Summer after the sliding door in the bedroom to balcony is being replaced so I finally can use the balcony! Now I don't dare as the door gets stuck...

  3. What a busy and exciting Fall you will have!
    I have never seen such a beautiful Hollyhock. Wow!
    Cute videos. That kitten is so sweet.

  4. Thank you for the beautiful photos of my beloved northwest. I always look forward to the photos you post. How sweet is that little kitten. Our animals do NOT like to be usurped from their positions at all do they? Will your neighbor keep the little one in their home? I sure hope so. It's darling. We had temps in the mid-seventies for two days but back into the 90's starting tomorrow for at least the next several days. We're hoping to go camping the week after Labor Day for a few days and also hoping for cooler weather. I'm ready for the 90's to be done for the year but not anxious for winter either. Fall forever would be nice. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. I just love all of your photos as always. We have had some very cool mornings and evenings here in the Capital region of NYS but it's definitely still summer although yesterday I was 2 hours north-west in the central Adirondack Mountains and saw several trees with the beginning of orange and red on the leaves!! I'm loving August...so much better for me, weather wise than July. We tend to slip into Autumn very gradually here in the eastern part of New York. That is ok with me!! Although I do love autumn too and my fave months are August through mid-November. :) )perfect hiking season).

    ENJOY the weekend!!

  6. Fall colors already? I know you live farther north than we do, but yes, Marilyn, that does feel so early. I'll take it, though, and I'm looking forward to those cooler temperatures. As always, your photos are marvelous and I did enjoy your short videos, too. I can understand Bandit's jealousy of the competition, but who can help but love this little kitty? Thanks for keeping us up to date with all that's going on with you. Blessings!

  7. Beautiful pictures. Oh I love the cute little kitty!!!

  8. What a sweet kitten!! How lucky you are to get to babysit occasionally! Fall is beginning to eek its way into our summer, too. I'm not super happy about the best of my favorite season being behind us, but for some reason, this year, I'm not fighting it. I'm looking forward to the change. Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to this fall and I can't wait to watch it all unfold!! xo

  9. As usual, beautifiul photos of your wonderful area! Fall seems to be coming early here to, in Astoria. I think maybe because we had some super HOT days in July and it fooled the climate into thinking it was really August! Now August as been mild and more rainy than normal! When I lived in The Dalles, Oregon, which is a very hot and dry climate, the Hollyhocks would grow wild everywhere. It was amazing to seem them! There were all shades of pinks and even some whites.
    You talk about your "house coming".. is it a modular home or? I hope you will tell us all about it soon!
    My flowers here are growing really well. I keep meaning to post some pix on my blog, but my poor blog has really been neglected... at least I do put a few things on Facebook, but not everyone sees those. Sigh.... time just goes by so fast, and so much that seems to keep my busy, even without a big garden or yard!
    Love always hearing about your life there. My son and dtr in law just visited northern Idaho (by Priest Lake) and I always think of you when I know they're going there. I've only been there once and still remember how gorgeous it was,,,, especially the actual Priest Lake! Heavenly! Hugs... Marilyn

  10. We have had a touch of early Fall cold mornings this past week. But back to humid 80's and maybe 90 this week for more summer. I do not want it to end. I am not a fan of leafless trees and dark sunless days. The cold weather is not the issue, just the look, lol. What a lucky tiny kitty, just like Bandit was when he was found.

  11. Life doesn't stand still and we have the seasons to prove that and push us along. Beautiful photos of your little corner of our world. Your world is going to really change come the end of September and October. What fun to look forward to your home arriving and the cherry on top...your first grandchild. So sweet. Take care and enjoy the days...

  12. Marilyn, Fall is surely showing up in your area. I see bits of it here too in the mountains, and we've had rain the last couple days! Your sourdough bread looks wonderful, and warm with a dab of butter, even better. Those yellow flowers are so pretty, and the August skies are lovely. So nice of your neighbor to take care of the stray kitty, and for you to help out with that. Love the short video of the deer, and I get so excited when I see them out my window. I'm sure you can't wait for that little one to come into the world. Enjoy the last of the summer days, Marilyn. You always share so much goodness on your posts.


  13. Absolutely gorgeous flowers!!!!!
    I enjoyed looking at the moon too as in stages we could only see stages until it showed a full moon. Hard to believe it's so far away from us when it looked so close!
    Aww, what a sweet little kitten! And goodness, Mr. Bandit has grown!
    I'm glad Fall is coming for ya'll. I can't wait. Sadly for us Texans, we don't experience it until sometimes mid to late October. ;)
    Many blessings to you, Marilyn!

  14. Hi, we are in a tropical heat wave ... over 90 degrees here in Wisconsin... no this is not normal. Ha!
    The moon shots are fantastic. :-)
    Thank you for the recipe!! This has happened to me before as well, I will now have a back up plan. Thank You!!

  15. I agree that I love fall my favorite season but I am not in a hurry for it to arrive, even though we are having HOT temps and Air Quality alerts. Yes before you know it you will be a grandma, enjoying that little one. M friend gave me some Hollyhock seeds so hopefully I will have some too next year. Beautiful pictures of your late summer blooms and such.
    We had some kittens born under out deck out of all of them there was one that would cry and cry all day long, when hubby went out, they all scattered but this one, he went right to my hubby, we think he wasn't getting fed well from his momma, so we took him in,, and he is attached to my hubby!

  16. Your cats. Wonderful! I hope all goes well with them all! I'm not ready for fall (although today, with humid temps topping out at 92, I was considering it!) But I am seeing signs, too. We saw the moon too, but from our vantage it was a white one. Still, splendid! Thanks so much for popping by to visit me today!

  17. Fall in August, what a beautiful thought. It will be a while for us before we see any signs of fall. Yet, I patiently wait for it. Your photos are so pretty, I enjoyed each one. ♥

  18. I am so ready for fall Marilyn. Your sunflowers are lovely and they make me smile whenever I see them.
    The skies are gorgeous. How special to spend time at the lake. The kitten is adorable. So sweet you are taking care of her.

  19. I always enjoy your photographs and the ones on your post here are all so lovely.

    It doesn't seem possible that we will soon be at the end of August, Autumn is on the horizon ... one of my favourite seasons.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. I need to get some sourdough starter because that is my favorite bread...and pancakes! It's been years since I cooked with it but I still have my good recipes. Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  21. Oh, wow! A new grandbaby and a new home within a few days apart! God has blessed you so abundantly, sweet friend, and no one could ever deserve it more! I so enjoyed your post, as always. I am so far behind and trying to work through my inbox, one at a time. Sending much love to you today!


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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