February's Gentle Arrival

Monday, February 3, 2025

It has been a quiet winter for us here! Oh, we've had our snowstorms, cloudy days, and wintry weather, but really, this has been a mild winter in so many respects for our area.  Our local schools have not closed for one winter day yet this year.  We have about an inch of snow on the ground, and this is already the first of February! We've not had to plow our driveway here yet, and that is very unusual for us! So, we are thankful for the mild winter, and that the Lord allowed us to move into our new home without overwhelming amounts of snow. For this, I am grateful beyond words! 

We've gotten settled in, furniture placed, and finally, pictures are being hung. I'm taking my time with it, and enjoying the process! There have been LOTS of trips to the thrift stores, dropping off things I no longer need. It feels good to get through this process! This is our dining room currently. 

Walking with the Lord and Riley is still the very best part of my day, as I spend that time praying and listening to praise music. It is such a blessing to spend that time with the Lord. It has been FRIGID here, walking in the frosty air is a great workout for your lungs! 

Our house bathed in glorious morning sunlight! Oh, how we are enjoying the sunlight we've had here for the last week or so... makes me think of the song, Heavenly Sunlight! 

I just love the way the sunlight spreads its warmth amongst the pines... sunlight fills our hearts with joy, especially in the cold of winter! 

I took this picture the same morning with the beautiful sunlight lighting up our home. I love how the sunlight from the east, south, and west fills our home all day long!!!

Another peek at our living room with the wood stove keeping us cozy and warm during this very cold spell that we are having.  If you look closely, on the couch is a beautiful doily handmade by my 98-year-old neighbor! She came to our housewarming on New Year's Eve and blessed me with her handiwork. Isn't it beautiful! I will treasure it always. Still creating at 98 years old! Walking on her own (with a cane) and fully mobile, agile, and so sweet. She has lived a good life on their ranch, and she is a blessing to be around! 

I was on my way to see our daughter and granddaughter for the afternoon. I try to bring coffee/lunch once a week, and give her a chance to do some self-care, while I indulge myself with baby Danika! I took this picture - there was a lone fisherman out on the lake. He had to be desperate to catch a fish, as though it looked lovely, the temps were right around 15 degrees! And on the water, it would be even colder! 

Oh, friends... the joy, I can't even explain how this little darling brings such delight to my heart! She loves to nap on your shoulder and makes the sweetest happiest sounds as she naps. And look at that little hand around my neck! Oh, it's precious! 

My little darling loves to be read to! And I LOVE reading to her! She is just 3 months old, and holding onto books already... she was kicking her feet and cooing as I was reading to her. I think she is going to be our little book worm :)  

The joy of just holding and being... and as she sleeps, I pray! I pray for so many things... but especially for her.  It is my time to hold her in my arms, and hold her up to God's throne room! And all the rest of my family, and needs that are among us.  If you have a need in your life, just let me know. It would be my privilege to pray for you! 

I have been taking one of these a day, as I have become a caregiver, working with 5 different clients.  Extra immune protection is always a good idea and this winter I have stayed well, although I've been around so many dear sick ones. I praise God for this! 

A dear neighbor gifted me this beautiful mug rack for our housewarming gift.  Unfortunately, I was not able to find a place to hang it in my kitchen, but I repurposed it in my office/craft room! It holds so many gifts that I've received in the mail through letters written to dear friends, and crafts/gifts that I've made or received. 

Waiting on spring... our cats spend their days napping by the windows and dreaming of spring!

I wrote this little poem about our cats... I think it sums up a cat's opinion of winter! 


Frosted window pane gleams

Radiant shadows flicker on the wall

As splintered sunlight beams

Green eyes narrow, pointing outward 

Scorning the chilled world of snow

Gray coat shakes its fur

A yawn escapes with a sigh

Whiskers quiver and shiver

Turning away from the sight

It’s back to graze the food bowl

En route to a warm bed in front of the fire

It's cold outside so I'll just

Dream patrol from inside. 


We did finally get some snow and Riley and I enjoyed walking in it. 

Never tire of these winter sunsets with the majestic sky and mountain views. 

Another early morning walking view... 

Winter's days are numbered! If you've been a reader of my blog, you know how much I love the beauty of the snow and the joy of being outdoors in it.  There is a chance we may receive a bit more snow in the coming days so that I can cross-country ski out my back door. I've been able to do it every winter we've lived here, so I remain hopeful that I'll be able to as well this winter. Now, I know many of you - if not most of you - just endure winter, and are glad when spring comes ... and of course, I will be glad when spring comes, but I do love the joys that winter affords us :) 

So.. until springtime comes to your world... enjoy the quiet moments winter offers - I know for those of us who live in the north, it often means more work (shoveling snow, plowing snow, driving in snow...) but find time for quiet rest too... it is good for the soul!

This is a video I made some time ago, but I believe its beauty and quiet restful music will be a blessing to your soul.

Much love to all of you dear friend! 



  1. I so enjoyed reading your happy blog today Marilyn. The photos of you with sweet Danika are the best. There is just nothing in this world like being a Grandma and the love you feel is indescribable.
    I also enjoyed seeing your lovely new home. I love all of the antiques and loved items in your home. The doily from your neighbor will be a wonderful memory of her someday.
    Wishing you a lovely week.

    1. Thank you Betsy, it has been wonderful to be moved in our new home, and enjoy our granddaughter! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  2. You have a beautiful home, and truly sunlight feels our heart with joy, especially during the winter.

    1. Thank you Benita! I appreciate your comment and visit so very much! The sunlight is always such a joy in the winter!

  3. I understand the joy of a grandchild. It multiplies with each new addition too. Continued blessings to you. Marilyn.

    1. Being a grandparent is so special! I cherish every moment, blessings to you Marie!

  4. Hello, my lovely friend. Congratulations on your new home! It is truly lovely! And I join you in your love of winter. I love the beauty of the outside and the cozy of the inside during these winter months. How precious is your sweet grandbaby?! I read to my littles too, and loved every moment. Have a glorious, cozy day.

    1. Thank you sweet friend, we are thrilled to be in our new home. It is a joy to spend time with my granddaughter. God's rich blessings!

  5. So right to take precautions to stay healthy for yourself and your clients. Precious and I will take the poem as meant for her, lol. But we have no wonderful wood burning fireplace, just a dependable furnace and boy with temps well below zero for nights in a row, it is still putting out the heat. Your home is definitely becoming "your" as you place things where you will easily enjoy. Odd about you not getting much snow. We have had over 14 inches here, the first time in a few winters. But it has now melted with the January thaw last week. Give the 3 kitties a pet from us.

    1. I'm glad Precious enjoyed that poem! Our cats have not ventured out much this winter at all! Thank you for your visit and comments - much love to you and Precious!

  6. You brought back the sweet memories of holding our Grands while they slept with their sweet breathing and sighs. Such a joyous time for a grandparent. It truly has been a mild winter in respect to snow levels and the need to plow. Your home looks warm and cozy. There is nothing like a cold crisp sunshiny winter day with mountain views. It is obvious that you have been a good neighbor and appreciated. Blessings...

    1. Oh it is so precious, their sweet breaths! Just nothing like it! It has been an unusual winter, but thankful we have gotten some snow recently, although now, it's all melting. Many blessings to you!

  7. Good morning Marilyn. I have enjoyed this uplifting post this today. I can feel your heart in the photos of you holding baby Danika. there is nothing like being able to hold and love on the little ones. You all have such a gorgeous view of the mountains and oh so beautiful they are with the snow. I can't imagine being in my late 90's and still creating such beautiful artwork pieces. Your home is beautiful and I especially love that wood burning stove. I am thankful for your families Blessings...Enjoy this beautiful day...We are in the 80's around here this week...Y'all stay warm

  8. Oh how I pray I become a grandma one day. In fact, since you offered: my prayer request is for my sweet precious 31 yr old Courtney to be blessed with a Christian guy whom she can date and hopefully marry. It's the current desire of her heart and the waiting is so very hard.
    I'm loving your photos of your house, the precious grandbaby, the sunlight, snow, mountains. God be praised! (and babies who are read to early tend to become early readers/early talkers based on my career research and own experience with my daughters :) Keep reading, Gramma!! God bless you!!

  9. Oh, how love is written all over your face when you hold your precious Danika, Marilyn! And liking being read to already? That's amazing! Where we live in GA, the temps already are acting as if it's spring time. I fear winter is already in the rear view mirror. I enjoyed you cat poem so much, too! Blessings!

  10. This was so fun to read! Your home and the area around it looks absolutely beautiful. It's been a pretty mild winter here as well, so we've been taking lots of walks with our dogs. The deer have been out in force and we've even found an antler shed along our walking path. I can't wait to read what you're up to next!

  11. Hello, thank you for sharing your new home with us. I do love the sunlight dancing on it. Beautiful.
    I love the memories your are making with little one... and sharing them with us.
    Happy Winter Days,

  12. I loved the peek into your lovely cozy new home and seeing you with your sweet grandbaby brought back such fond memories. Loved the video too.

  13. Oh Marilyn, I am one who loves the winter up here in northern California, shoveling snow or not. And we are supposed to get another snowfall soon. That little Danka is the sweetest. And how funny that she is already interested in the books at three months old. I still have all the children's books, can't seem to part with them. I love when you take us on your walks with the mountain views in the distance and the pretty snowy roads. That mug rack is delightful that your neighbor gave you, and so creative that you use it for special notes and cards and gifts. I love seeing glimpses of your new home. You have done a lot so far with your living room and dining room areas. So good of you to donate things to the thrift store that you no longer want. I'm sure someone will get your dear things and appreciate them very much. That picture of the sun shining through the pines is so pretty. I hope you have a blessed month of February, Marilyn.


  14. Such a beautiful post, Marilyn! It's so beautiful where you live; what a blessing. :)
    Aww, I just love those pictures of you and baby Danika. I thank God she has a loving family that cares and prays for her. And it's never too early to be read to, and I say this as a bookworm, ha!
    You fixed your new home just lovely, friend! It looks very pretty and peaceful. Wow, 98! How wonderful she's still creating and going strong. :)
    And I love the way you've utilized the mug rack- what a brilliant idea!
    Thank you for sharing, Marilyn! It was such a joy to read. Many blessings,
    P.S. My brother is back from overseas and we're very happy to have him back! :)

  15. Your house looks wonderful with all that natural light coming in! Your little granddaughter is precious! I know exactly the joy grandchildren bring! They grow so fast though! Mine are 6 and 8 already! Love your beautiful pictures and I hope you get enough snow to cross country ski at least once!

  16. I love seeing your grandbaby. It's so nice that you are close enough to get to spend time with them. I love the mild weather here and we are having gorgeous weather this month. I would love to go fishing again some time....but when it's warm! Love that sunshine though!

  17. Lovely post, Marilyn! Your new home looks wonderful ... seems so spacious! Your granddaughter is adorable and that is so fun that she enjoys being read to already!

  18. Hello!
    I enjoyed reading about your life right now. What a precious gift you've got with your grandlittle. I love that snuggly time. My grandson is 17 months now. It's hard to think of a better feeling than when he reaches out his arms to me smiling.

    I hope you get all the snow you desire. I don't know what to expect here in southern Missouri. Two days ago it was 74. Two weeks ago, we hovered just above 0. Now we're in the 30s. Who knows?
    Enjoy winter. I know I am.
    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  19. Hi Marilyn.... great post as usual! I would just repeat what others said... your photos are gorgeous, love seeing you with granddaughter.. the love shines from your eyes! I do miss those sweet times of holding a dear little one. Your poem is lovely.... love seeing your new home and the inside, glad you've had a milder winter for a change, but still enjoy seeing your walks with Riley. Now I'm not so envious of the photos as I now live in beautiful country.. and there is even a mountain of about 2500 feet not far from me, and I can gaze out from my bedroom and see it covered with snow! that is such a blessing to me. We even had 2 weeks of the most beautifiul, sunny, blue sky weather. I was so spoiled with it.. now is gray again and we had some snow which I did actually enjoy, as was not too much.

    Oh.. I just see the wind as kicked up and it is sleeting out! I spoke too soon. Thank you also, for the reminder to tak Quercitin... I took it alot when I had Covid and afterwards for a good year. I've slacked off now, but it's a reminder to get back on it during these winter months. I take other immune boosting supps and I feel they really help.

    Stay healthy and warm and take care of yourself and family! Always love seeing your posts!

  20. Such a blessing that little girl is and so nice that you have a weekly time that you can spend with her. The house is looking great and yes take your time and make it just right :) The sunshine always makes me think of God and the light he brought into our world, always brings me peace and a smile!
    Most of our snow has melted, we finally have had a few days above freezing but now they are saying early next week we have more coming, so winter is not over yet.
    Wow your neighbor being 98 and still going strong that would be great, I hope to be crafting until the day the Lord takes me.

  21. Such a lovely happy post.
    You are settling in well in your new home, which is wonderful.
    Beautiful photographs especially the ones with you and baby Danika ... so sweet.

    Enjoy the coming weekend and the rest of February.

    All the best Jan

  22. I love the way you repurposed your mug rack. Great idea! And as always, I looove your outdoor pictures, so thank you for sharing them! God's paintings in the sky amazes me every single day. Glad you're still enjoying snow! It's in the high 70s and 80s here. lol

  23. Don't you just love a home with lots of windows letting in the sunlight on these chilly days!

  24. The serenity of the music blessed me so much as did your pics of the sparkling snow, beautiful Danika, new home charm and fun pets, too. I love winter, too. You are an example of a Proverbs 31 woman, Marilyn! Hugs from the desert.

  25. Your post is so full of warmth and gratitude! It sounds like you've really embraced the quiet beauty of winter and the blessings it brings. I love how you're cherishing every moment, from walking with Riley to the precious times spent with baby Danika. The handmade doily from your neighbor is such a sweet touch, and the way you describe your prayers and connection with the Lord is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing these heartwarming moments with us!

  26. Stacy Williams2/11/25, 4:11 PM

    Love your warm and cozy home, your pets and your beautiful photos! Time with our grands is so precious! You do a wonderful job showing us how to embrace the slowdown of winter.

  27. Hello Dear Marilyn, such a heartwarming post showing us your lovely home filled with sunshine, the sweet gifts from dear neighbors (98 and still crafting-so sweet), and your darling little grand-baby in your arms. The beauty of the landscape surrounding you is breathtaking, and I can understand your love of winter in that amazing place. Your love and gratitude for all God's gifts shine through as an inspiration to us all. Hugs and blessings xo

  28. Oh, what a lovely post! I am so far behind on my blog reading and trying to catch up with so many today. I pray all is well with you, dear friend. I LOVE your beautiful new home and you have it looking so warm and cozy and homey already! May the dear Lord continue to shower His richest blessings on you and your family. That baby is just so precious! I imagine you never want to put her down!

  29. splendid views of your are cast spell on the senses dear Marilyn !
    i loved your images with your granddaughter MOST!!!!!!!
    you both seem to complete each other :)))
    three month and she is reading newspaper lol
    i also enjoyed inner cozy glimpse of your new home my friend:)
    you have such a sweet neighbors :)
    sending you much love and wishing health peace and happiness to you and loved ones!


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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