February's Gentle Arrival

Monday, February 3, 2025

It has been a quiet winter for us here! Oh, we've had our snowstorms, cloudy days, and wintry weather, but really, this has been a mild winter in so many respects for our area.  Our local schools have not closed for one winter day yet this year.  We have about an inch of snow on the ground, and this is already the first of February! We've not had to plow our driveway here yet, and that is very unusual for us! So, we are thankful for the mild winter, and that the Lord allowed us to move into our new home without overwhelming amounts of snow. For this, I am grateful beyond words! 

We've gotten settled in, furniture placed, and finally, pictures are being hung. I'm taking my time with it, and enjoying the process! There have been LOTS of trips to the thrift stores, dropping off things I no longer need. It feels good to get through this process! This is our dining room currently. 

Walking with the Lord and Riley is still the very best part of my day, as I spend that time praying and listening to praise music. It is such a blessing to spend that time with the Lord. It has been FRIGID here, walking in the frosty air is a great workout for your lungs! 

Our house bathed in glorious morning sunlight! Oh, how we are enjoying the sunlight we've had here for the last week or so... makes me think of the song, Heavenly Sunlight! 

I just love the way the sunlight spreads its warmth amongst the pines... sunlight fills our hearts with joy, especially in the cold of winter! 

I took this picture the same morning with the beautiful sunlight lighting up our home. I love how the sunlight from the east, south, and west fills our home all day long!!!

Another peek at our living room with the wood stove keeping us cozy and warm during this very cold spell that we are having.  If you look closely, on the couch is a beautiful doily handmade by my 98-year-old neighbor! She came to our housewarming on New Year's Eve and blessed me with her handiwork. Isn't it beautiful! I will treasure it always. Still creating at 98 years old! Walking on her own (with a cane) and fully mobile, agile, and so sweet. She has lived a good life on their ranch, and she is a blessing to be around! 

I was on my way to see our daughter and granddaughter for the afternoon. I try to bring coffee/lunch once a week, and give her a chance to do some self-care, while I indulge myself with baby Danika! I took this picture - there was a lone fisherman out on the lake. He had to be desperate to catch a fish, as though it looked lovely, the temps were right around 15 degrees! And on the water, it would be even colder! 

Oh, friends... the joy, I can't even explain how this little darling brings such delight to my heart! She loves to nap on your shoulder and makes the sweetest happiest sounds as she naps. And look at that little hand around my neck! Oh, it's precious! 

My little darling loves to be read to! And I LOVE reading to her! She is just 3 months old, and holding onto books already... she was kicking her feet and cooing as I was reading to her. I think she is going to be our little book worm :)  

The joy of just holding and being... and as she sleeps, I pray! I pray for so many things... but especially for her.  It is my time to hold her in my arms, and hold her up to God's throne room! And all the rest of my family, and needs that are among us.  If you have a need in your life, just let me know. It would be my privilege to pray for you! 

I have been taking one of these a day, as I have become a caregiver, working with 5 different clients.  Extra immune protection is always a good idea and this winter I have stayed well, although I've been around so many dear sick ones. I praise God for this! 

A dear neighbor gifted me this beautiful mug rack for our housewarming gift.  Unfortunately, I was not able to find a place to hang it in my kitchen, but I repurposed it in my office/craft room! It holds so many gifts that I've received in the mail through letters written to dear friends, and crafts/gifts that I've made or received. 

Waiting on spring... our cats spend their days napping by the windows and dreaming of spring!

I wrote this little poem about our cats... I think it sums up a cat's opinion of winter! 


Frosted window pane gleams

Radiant shadows flicker on the wall

As splintered sunlight beams

Green eyes narrow, pointing outward 

Scorning the chilled world of snow

Gray coat shakes its fur

A yawn escapes with a sigh

Whiskers quiver and shiver

Turning away from the sight

It’s back to graze the food bowl

En route to a warm bed in front of the fire

It's cold outside so I'll just

Dream patrol from inside. 


We did finally get some snow and Riley and I enjoyed walking in it. 

Never tire of these winter sunsets with the majestic sky and mountain views. 

Another early morning walking view... 

Winter's days are numbered! If you've been a reader of my blog, you know how much I love the beauty of the snow and the joy of being outdoors in it.  There is a chance we may receive a bit more snow in the coming days so that I can cross-country ski out my back door. I've been able to do it every winter we've lived here, so I remain hopeful that I'll be able to as well this winter. Now, I know many of you - if not most of you - just endure winter, and are glad when spring comes ... and of course, I will be glad when spring comes, but I do love the joys that winter affords us :) 

So.. until springtime comes to your world... enjoy the quiet moments winter offers - I know for those of us who live in the north, it often means more work (shoveling snow, plowing snow, driving in snow...) but find time for quiet rest too... it is good for the soul!

This is a video I made some time ago, but I believe its beauty and quiet restful music will be a blessing to your soul.

Much love to all of you dear friend! 


1 comment

  1. I so enjoyed reading your happy blog today Marilyn. The photos of you with sweet Danika are the best. There is just nothing in this world like being a Grandma and the love you feel is indescribable.
    I also enjoyed seeing your lovely new home. I love all of the antiques and loved items in your home. The doily from your neighbor will be a wonderful memory of her someday.
    Wishing you a lovely week.


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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