Sunday, January 19, 2025

This week, most of the Lower 48 United States are experiencing chilly weather and we are not exempt. A chilly polar blast has arrived, and with it, beautiful sunshine! For most of this winter, our skies have been grey and cloudy, with lots of rain. We've had very little snow. In fact, we have not even plowed our driveway yet this winter! This week though, the polar air arrived, pushing out all the cloudy skies, and allowing brilliant blue skies and chilly weather.  

The sunshine, blue skies, and snow on the mountains were so beautiful on our drive to Sandpoint. 

We enjoyed breakfast at a local cafe in Sandpoint before starting our errands. 

I made a lasagna for dinner this week, and it was so yummy, we had it for three days of leftovers. I don't use ricotta cheese on my noodles, rather I make homemade mushroom soup - and oh my, it really is so good! You can find the recipe in my cookbook for both the lasagna and homemade mushroom soup :) 

I never tire of the beautiful water views we have here, especially when the sun sets! 

One frosty morning as Riley and I walked, the landscape was transformed into a foggy frosty delight! 

When the sun sets and the fog has lifted, the skies showcase incredibly brilliant colors! 

Riley and I enjoyed the beach together as the sun set one recent afternoon. 

This picture is a bit of an optical illusion! This is the beach area next to the water's edge which is transformed with the colors from the sky! 

As we were getting ready to leave, we were both sad to see the beauty fade in the skies. Isn't that like life though... all beautiful things never last forever. Instead, life moves on, and something else comes along to brighten your day. 

I've been working on organizing my office/craft area, and I've had some "furry" help. Bandit thinks he has found the perfect napping area {smiles} 

Glorious views of another afternoon sunset on the Pend O'Reille River... 

My precious darling granddaughter! I spend as much time as I can with her!
No words can describe the joy! 

My amaryllis has begun to bloom. It has such delicate blooms but is vibrant and bold in appearance! 

With all the cold weather, I encourage you to find a cozy warm place in your home, cuddle up with a hot cup of your favorite beverage and read your favorite Bible passages, or find an encouraging devotional book to read, or perhaps grab a pen and a pretty notebook, and find some time to journal or write down the stories from your childhood. This kind of self-care revives me amidst the cold winter days! Take time to relax, unwind, and have some quiet time if you can - this will help with the cold winter days and keep our minds healthy until springtime comes. My newest video is below and would be lovely background music as you rest and take some time for yourself! 

This video shared the most beautiful harp music and I think you will be blessed to listen! I found the CD at a thrift store and paired the beautiful music with a video of one of our beautiful mountain creeks. I enjoy just playing it for relaxation. I hope you will enjoy it too! 

I pray for the presence of the Lord to be precious in your hearts today as we keep the many needs around us in our prayers - those who have lost loved ones, homes, and belongings in the terrible floods/hurricanes/fires, and for our new president. 

May the Lord's love be with each of you in special ways during these cold winter days! 


  1. AHHH! Thank you for the photos of my beautiful inland northwest and the Pend d'Orielle River. How I miss them. We definitely have no mountain beauty here in the midwest, but I must confess, the barren farm fields have a beauty all of their own in the winter months. We have no snow here either but we have such cold, cold temperatures. Down into the below zero teens the next to nights but in the 40's by the end of the week.
    I love the photo of you with your little granddaughter. There is nothing on this earth like the love you have for a grandchild. And it's like having children. The more you have, the more you love. God is amazing to give us the capacity to love like that. There is ALWAYS more love.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. So much beauty in today's post! I love Bandit squished into the bookcase and of course the lovely picture of you holding your precious little granddaughter. Have a wonderful week.


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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