What Makes a Dad?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day comes once a year to honor our dear fathers, but really, it should be something that we are thankful for every day.  I have been blessed to have a wonderful father whose love has always been a constant throughout the years, a loving, generous, hard working man who loved his family so much. Then I was blessed to marry the most loving, kind and wonderful man who became the loving father to our children.  And at the center of the heart of the fathers in my life, has been my Heavenly Father. I count myself and my family blessed beyond measure to have had the wonderful love and support of a father in our lives.  I found this poem that says it all so well....

What Makes a Dad? 

God took the strength of a mountain
The majesty of a tree
The warmth of a summer's sun
The calm of a quiet sea
The generous soul of nature
The generous soul of nature
The comforting arm of night 
The power of the eagle's flight
The joy of a morning in spring
The faith of a mustard seed
The patience of eternity
The depth of a family need
Then God combined these qualities
When there was nothing more to add
He knew his masterpiece was complete
And so He called it... Dad. 
~ Author Unknown ~

So a (belated) Happy Father's Day to my father, my husband's father, and my dear husband... with much love and thankfulness to the Lord, my Heavenly Father who has blessed me beyond measure.  
I am blessed! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kim! Appreciate your kind visit today... always means so much! Have a beautiful day :)


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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