Do Chickens Drink Coffee?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I surely would have answered no to that question before raising chickens of my own.  Now.... I am coming to realize that nothing is off limits to these funny little girls!

My husband and I were enjoying our morning coffee on our back deck recently, and as soon as I stepped outside (as is usual now), when the chickens heard my voice, they came running.  Apparently they think that every time I come outside I should come bearing food for them, lol!

We made ourselves comfortable on the deck with our steaming coffee cups in hand, when soon...

Roger looked quite worried about the approaching...

Crew of chickens... here they come!

Mamma Mia jumped on my husband's leg and quickly tried to get a sip of his coffee.  I had just gone to grab the camera, and barely caught the action.

Hmm... not wanting to share?  I can't understand why! 

Then she came to see what I was drinking...

Her feelings were hurt as I moved the cup out of her range...

Hmphhht!  I guess I'll just leave then since no one wants to share around here! 

And off she went, lol!  I had no idea chickens have personalities, but they really do!

Such is life with the chickens around here.  One can't even get a decent cup of coffee in the morning on the back or front porch without a chicken on the prowl coming to investigate. There is nowhere outside that is off limits to them.  We shall draw the line at allowing chickens a drink coffee in the morning... have you ever heard of a chicken who wants to drink coffee?  No? Me neither.

I'm learning not to be surprised by anything these girls want to do, lol! Enjoy your cuppa coffee this morning.  I'm drinking mine inside!  Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. LOL! Cute! I've never tried coffee with mine, but they like everything else!

    1. Indeed, these girls think anything within their range belongs to them, lol! Now my porch is covered daily with poo... ugh! But, their funny little ways keep us entertained, so I guess it is just part of having free roaming chickens, lol!

  2. Well, isn't it nice to be loved! I guess she figured if you like it, then she probably would, too. You are raising a smart bunch over there!

    1. Yeah, I'm learning chickens are smarter than I realized, especially when it comes to food, lol!

  3. So, so funny! I love chickens. I get to enjoy their antics at my parents little farm, though I've never seen them near coffee. :)

    What a sweet dog you have, too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to have met you.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Yes, our dogs are very sweet, and they are quite entertaining too. I've learned chickens pay attention to anything that involves food, lol, and since I spoil them by giving them treats often when I'm out in the yard, now they think I am a permanent treat bearer as soon I go outside. LOL! Thank you so much for stopping back by to say hi... you are an amazing painter! My daughter loves to oil paint. Your calendars are beautiful. Will be by to visit you again :) Have a wonderful day!

  4. So funny! Sounds like you should name one of them Starbucks! lol Chickens really do have personalities...but if you have never had chickens you would not believe it. lol

    Hope you had a good day...and give that poor chicken some love...xo Diana

    1. Haha, Starbucks is a good one! Yes, chickens really do have personalities, and they are quite funny ones too, lol! I will definitely give her some love, but I draw the line at coffee, heehee!

  5. Oh, my! This is just hysterical!! I can't believe these little gals. :) They surely make your days interesting, don't they? There is never a dull moment!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Love to see your posts in my inbox. Love and appreciate you, sweet friend. :)

    1. They really create a lot of entertainment around here for sure! I never thought chickens would be interested in coffee, but now I know, lol! Praying your day is wonderful and blessed dear friend! :)

  6. That explains the noise.

  7. Okay, I'll play off Nana Diana's comment and suggest you put a sign on the chicken coop: Starclucks. Hah!

    1. Oh how fun! I love that... I may just take you both up on that name, lol! They are quite the Starclucks indeed... the whole world knows when I come outside, they all come running, and clucking. It is so funny, as if every time I come outside I am bearing food for them. Lots of entertainment for sure! :)


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