These Cozy Winter Days

Monday, January 22, 2024

Winter is a cozy season, wouldn't you agree?  It feels wonderful to be warm and cozy inside when it's cold outside!  During the winter, I enjoy working on indoor projects, because from March until November I spend most of my time outside tending to our yard and garden.  I'd rather be outdoors than inside! But, since winter offers me the chance - I have been at my computer more, working on some organizing projects, drinking a lot of hot tea, and visiting precious blog friends that I don't often get to visit!

I've also been writing (you can follow my writing adventures on Kindle Vella here) and creating videos on my YouTube channel HERE.  I've been preparing for the Ladies' Bible study I co-teach, and you can find my most recent lessons HERE and HERE.   But mostly - I've been enjoying some wonderful cups of hot tea! 

A dear neighbor came over this past weekend, and she had just purchased a set of 
cross-country skis.  I was so excited because now I have a neighbor who loves it as much as I do and we can ski together!  

Our ski was for the most part uneventful - we had to ski under
these two downed tree arches! Aren't they pretty! 

I'm so happy to have a neighbor close by who enjoys skiing as much as I do! 

While we were out skiing, I gathered cards from our game cameras.
This coyote was the only wildlife on my camera cards other than the usual turkeys and deer.  You just never know what is poking around in the woods! 

After our skiing on Saturday, we enjoyed a cup of hot tea together - I didn't get a picture of that. When my neighbor was leaving to go home, it started to rain - freezing rain.  Shortly afterward, it became quite obvious that home was the best destination for the evening! 

The next morning, Dan, Riley and I walked on the side of the road where there was still snow  The road itself was a skating rink! 

Here is all the ice buildup on my pickup. 

I went into the garden where the ice was
flattering the frosted plants in the most beautiful form! 

Later that afternoon, the weather shifted, and it began to warm up.  All that snow
that had accumulated over the past couple of weeks was still on our roof.  
Suddenly, it warmed up enough, that the snow began to slide off... watch the very short video below -  
it is amazing to see the snow slide off our roof like an avalanche!! This happens often in the winter, but this is one of the few times I've been able to catch it on video. 

I know that almost everyone has been struggling with a lot of snow/ice/cold weather these days across the northern hemisphere.  When the weather outside is too miserable to be outside, it is nice to stay inside and enjoy the coziness of home.  I light candles, have fairy lights on timers that light up the darkness and play soft background music.  There are a few books that I've been reading, and I also study for the bible studies I teach.  I have been writing for Kindle Vella, and I've been working on getting more episodes published.  

If you don't know what Kindle Vella is - let me explain. It is a unique form of the Kindle reader that allows the reader to pay by chapter or "episode" instead of paying for the entire book.  You buy tokens through the Kindle app and then you can read 3 episodes of any author's work for free.  On the 4th episode, if you've determined you like the author enough, you use your purchased tokens to read further into the book.  This is helpful for new authors, because no one knows who you are, and it takes getting the exposure this way to build readership.  Have you heard of Kindle Vella? Do you use Kindle books/apps at all to read? Please let me know below... So I have been writing and publishing on Kindle Vella and will continue to do so. 

I've also been sorting through and deciding on my garden seeds and what I will need to plant this coming year.  My husband recently discovered that sugar is a problem for him, and starches too.  So, we have cut sugars, and root vegetables, such as potatoes out of our diet for now.  His blood sugars have stabilized, and he has lost quite a bit of weight and feels so much better.  For that reason, I won't be planting potatoes this year.  This is sad for me - and him - because we both love potatoes so much.  But we do feel better if we don't eat them.  We have been enjoying our meals with just meat, dairy, and brassica vegetables (green veggies!) Both of us feel so much better and know that this is a lifestyle change for us.  So... I will be planting more spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, and peppers this year.  

Have you started thinking about spring? I think we all start to get a little stir-crazy when winter weather hems us in.  While I love being cozy - and I love getting outside to ski - when the weather is so miserable that I can't do much of that - I start to feel ready for spring. How about you? 

I made a few other videos, these 2 below are shorter videos.  I hope you will enjoy them! Like, subscribe, and share - as the saying goes! It means a lot to me to have your support as I share my photography through the videos. 

This video I have just finished working on today and I think you will enjoy it.  The instrumental music is played by a young man who is local to our area.  He plays the piano beautifully.  There are no words, just piano music, and it makes great background music! 

A scripture I'd like to leave with your heart today to bless you with. 

Malachi 3:16-17
Then they that feared the Lord 
spake often one to another: 
and the Lord hearkened and heard it, 
and a book of remembrance 
was written before him 
for them that feared the Lord, 
and that thought upon His name. 
And they shall be mine, 
saith the Lord of hosts, 
in that day when I make up my jewels. 

The Lord is keeping a book of remembrance for those who "fear the Lord, and speak often one to another" about Him! Isn't that encouraging!  The Lord knows those who love Him, and is keeping a "book of remembrance" about us! This is a good thing to remember - let's speak often about the Lord :)  Wishing each of you a blessed and wonderful week! 


  1. I love how you embrace winter, Marilyn, outside and in!

    1. It helps to embrace it rather than not like it :) Although, with the snow now melting, my heart is getting ready for spring!

  2. Marilyn, I am glad you and your husband figured out the healthy way for him to manage his weight and sugar with natural methods. Eating you home grown healthy veggies is best and leaving out potatoes, a staple for most of us, will pay off. Nice you have a skiing partner now. Dress warm and have fun. Lynn and Precious

    1. Yes, eating without sugar, and potatoes is a challenge, but since we both feel so much better, it makes it worthwhile. I haven't been able to ski much this week, since its warmed up. I'm sure we'll get more snow though!

  3. Good for you for getting out there and skiing! It does help you enjoy that beauty!
    We are just finishing clean up from a long winter storm, and today are having freezing rain. So I'm ready for Spring. :)
    I like the snow avalanche video.
    I've never heard of Kindle Vela but will have to look it up.

    1. It feels like spring here now - all the snow is really melting! The snow avalanche video made the cut for the Weather Channel, I posted the link within my post from yesterday. That was a nice surprise! Blessings to you Mari!

  4. The young man playing the piano is truly gifted, Marilyn! I did enjoy all the videos you shared here with us today and will subscribe. Of course, you could simply keep sharing them here, too. :)
    May God richly bless you, my friend, and stay cozy!

    1. He plays so beautifully, I love listening to his CD. Thank you for listening to the videos and subscribing, that means so very much to me! Praying for you and Danny today!

  5. It looks so pretty around your neck of the woods, Marilyn. As I look outside right now, the sun is shining, but it's still very cold, and I do love winters here in the mountains. It would be such a surprise to see the coyote on tape. That first picture is so quaint - love the tea pot and the cup and the candle and looking outside to the snow. I also enjoyed the little video of the snow sliding off the roof. It's nice that you are planning out your garden and looking forward to growing all the veggies you want this Spring. Take care, Marilyn, and try to stay warm.


    1. Yes, we are definitely starting to think about spring here, although we are still in January. We always get a thaw in January, and then usually February has a ton of snow. So there is still a little time left for winter. I am working on getting ready for spring though with all my seeds! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  6. Dearest Marilyn,
    You both are to be admired for living through such snow landscape during winter time.
    Yes, starches are a problem and for my advanced kidney disease + being diabetic type 2, I must realize how the body changes starches (easy degradable) into sugars and also to avoid eating pasta that is not al dente for the same reason.
    Not easy to change our diets as we age but it is for survival!
    Thinking about those sled dogs that manage to travel through the winter landscape... We have to admire those animals!
    Stay safe and enjoy teaming up with your new neighbor on the skis.

    1. It is so true dear Mariette - as we age, the body isn't able to do all the things it used to be able to do. The starches in our food seem to as much a problem, as the sugars. It is all so hard to make lifestyle changes, but when you feel better, you know it is worth it! God's creation seems always prepared for the weather, amazing isn't it! I've learned to try to enjoy the weather God gives me, it makes it easier, somehow. Our snow is now melting, and I'll admit, I am sad. But now, I've begun seed planning, and that helps! Many blessings to you!

  7. Your avalanche really was impressive. Glad you could capture it on video. Love that last thought from Malachi. It brought this one to my mind...“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” More and more looking forward to the day...

    1. It was an impressive avalanche, the warmup so quickly from such frigid temperatures was crazy. The Weather Channel is now showing my video! The link is in my most recent post. Yes - we are looking forward to what God has for us - the world has gone mad! I love that scripture in Malachi too, brings such hope, and the scripture you shared too! Blessings to you dear friend!

  8. How lovely for you to have a cross country skiing companion. It sure looks crisp and cold!!
    The little video showing ice sliding off your roof is so amazing. That was a lot of ice.
    I'm sure the changes you're having to make in meals is going to be challenging but in the end very worth the effort. I hope that goes well.

    1. It was an impressive avalanche, the warmup so quickly from such frigid temperatures was crazy. The Weather Channel is now showing my video! The link is in my most recent post. And yes, it is always hard to make those dietary changes, but when you feel so much better, it is definitely worth the effort. Many blessings to you!

  9. I agree about loving to feel cozy! It's not even that cold in Texas anymore, but it's still so nice to be underneath a quilt. :)
    Beautiful scenery in your pictures and videos! Love the details ice brings on objects.
    Great Scripture passage! It's my desire to love the Lord more.
    God bless,

    1. I'm glad Texas has warmed up again! That is one thing about Texas weather, it doesn't stay the same for long! Thank you for your visit. That scripture has been an encouragement to my soul, especially in these difficult days we are in! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  10. I didn't know about the Kindle Vella but it's what I need. I hate to buy a book and read the first few pages and find out it's not a good one for me! Love the snowy scenes! Take care...drink more tea and stay warm!

    1. It is nice to have that option to read some of the author's work before deciding if you want to read further. I am doing just that - drinking lots of tea :) Many blessings to you!

  11. I so enjoyed visiting with you tonight, dear friend! It makes me cold just watching you all out walking in it! LOL! I am SO thankful God kept our electricity and heat working through the recent extreme cold we had. Our snow is melting off, as it was much warmer today. I pray the Lord will continually bless you and that He will keep Dan's blood sugar down, in Jesus' name. Sending much love and many prayers for you!

    1. I'm so thankful you were able to stay warm in that cold weather! That is always a concern - we thankfully had no loss of power either! Thank you for your prayers for Dan. We are finding that potato is the worst offender for him, and that dairy may be my worst offender. It is so hard to regulate our bodies, with all the additives in food these days too. Praying that soon the Lord will heal us from all the brokenness in this world! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  12. I enjoyed your blog. I would really like to learn cross-country skiing, but we have sporadic snow here, and when it does snow, we're all happy. I really enjoyed your blog, and I'm now following your Instagram as photo.rieth. I wish you a good weekend.

    1. You would love cross-country skiing, it is such an invigorating sport, gliding across beautiful snowy areas. I just love it. Our snow is melting now, which makes me very sad! But, I am using this time to prepare for spring. I just thank the Lord for all the goodness He gives us, however it comes. Many blessings to you!


  13. We just had freezing rain this past week, hubby had to work from home, which he didn't mind, there were quite a few accidents. The next day I heard this big noise and then a bunch of ice came sliding off the roof, scared out cat who was looking out the window watching the birds.
    We usually plant the same plants every year. We are starting to change our diet also, hopefully we will be feeling better soon too :) We have quite a few animals around here too even though we are quite populated, I haven't seen one yet but our neighbors have posted pictures of coyotes , so I guess they are around, we don't let our cats out so they are safe :)

    1. As we age, our bodies don't handle foods the same anymore, unfortunately! That is good that you and your husband are making some diet changes. There are so many harmful substances in packaged foods. Our cats and dog do not like the sliding snow off the roof at all, either! It is very loud. I am glad all the snow has slid, and now the snow is melting, which does make me sad, as I love winter skiing. But, I try to just be thankful for whatever weather the Lord gives us! Blessings to you today Connie :)

  14. I used a Kindle reader for a couple of years until it broke. Now I use the Libby app to borrow e-books from my library.

    1. Oops, turns out that it was a Kobo reader, not a Kindle.


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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