Happy January, A Book Review AND a GIVEAWAY!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

How is your January going so far? I know many of you, including our area here in Idaho have gotten some snow this week - and I'm hoping before the end of the week to be able to get out and go cross-country skiing in our back acreage.  We got about a foot of snow overnight, but it is very sticky and wet - not the best kind of snow to ski in.  But - this weekend, we are supposed to get sub-zero temps and beautiful sunshine - and this is great skiing weather, so I look forward to it all. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you some beautiful pictures I've taken - AND then something exciting! I am doing a book giveaway today! I will introduce you to the author, and the book, share my review of the book, and then you'll get a chance to win the book. Your heart will be VERY blessed by the message of this book! 

I snapped this picture with my cell phone out my office window - this little guy has been a very consistent visitor to our suet feeders. It is interesting to watch him through the window!

Beautiful snowy scenes captured on my morning walk! 

Yesterday, just before a winter storm arrived, the skies were ablaze with color! 
Glorious skies to walk with! 

I'm treated to such beautiful views as I walk! 

I wanted to share this with you - I found this beautiful lantern on Amazon, and sent it to my Mom for Christmas.  As many of you know, my Dad passed away in June, 
in his rocking chair, on his front porch. He loved his rocking chair, and lanterns too. 
Wasn't this a special way to honor his memory! I have also ordered one for myself.  

And NOW I want to introduce to you the author of this wonderful book! I met Jennifer Self through an online writing group that I am a part of.  Jennifer kindly sent me a copy of her book to review!  

This is my review: 

Venture is a story of one family's determination in the face of many disappointments, financial obstacles, and turmoil.  While this story tells how they overcame those obstacles, there is a greater lesson to be learned - and that is to depend on the Lord, pray and seek the Lord, and be willing to work hard with what He has given you. All members of Jennifer's family share their insights and experiences in the book, and it is a beautiful picture of a family working together to overcome hardship in the face of great adversity. It left me feeling very encouraged by the goodness of the Lord.  Jennifer is an excellent writer, as are all her children, and husband.  You will be blessed to read this book, and its message of hope will be a source of encouragement to you. 

Here is a little more information about Jennifer and the book she wrote: 

Venture is the story of a father who went from losing his job to creating jobs in seven years, the family he chose as his team, and the God Who led them faithfully through it all.

At 5:30 on that March morning, Jennifer wrote, 
“When we look back over our life, we see only the peaks of the mountains. The valleys, then out of sight, were the pathways to the mountaintops.” Five hours later, all she and her family could see was the valley. Determined to reach the mountaintop again, they created an unlikely team and began the climb.

Their story gives a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to build a business while also building relationships. It shares how working together as a family has highs and lows and how they often occur in the space of 24 hours. Most of all, it shows the power of family teamwork and an abundantly good God.

The Self family is living proof that nothing is certain except God’s faithfulness and the hope He gives. Loss taught them to hold on to hope when circumstances threatened to shake it from their grip.

Whatever personal venture readers may undertake, this story offers hope. The mountain top is just ahead.

If you'd like to know more about Jennifer, you can visit her website here: 

Because I fell in love with the book and its message, I want to offer a copy of this book to one of my readers! 

 If you will leave a comment below, you will be entered into the drawing, which will take place sometime next Monday, January 15.  I will announce the winner here on this post, and also email the winner, as I will need your shipping address to ship the book to you from Amazon.  

Stay warm and dry my friends, and also - if you are looking for a good book to read during the cold winter months - I have some great recommendations on my website HERE   Please visit and bless these authors who are personal friends of mine.  I love to encourage authors who have just published and be a blessing to them, and their families.  If you know of any other good authors who have published books, please also share in the comments.  

Sharing a couple of videos that I've shared recently on my YouTube channel... 

Many blessings to all of you today! Please comment to join in on the giveaway :) 


  1. Oh that sounds like a book I'd love!!! Thank you for the wonderful review. I'd love to enter your giveaway!! And both videos are beautiful...i especially (it's the piano major in me hahaha (my undergrad degree was Music Ed/Piano/Voice) this music reminds me of when I would play at our free Methodist church camp...the old gospel hymns. I also loved taking a walk with you :) BEAUTIFUL photos.

    1. Jennifer is a wonderful writer, Faith. I know you would love the book! I didn't know you played the piano - I do as well. I just play very basic chords. I'm glad to take you along my walks with me! Many blessings to you!

  2. Your pictures are stunning as usual! That was such a wonderful gift to give your mom!

    1. Thanks Jeanette, it was a perfect gift for her. I am happy to share all the beautiful scenes we get to enjoy here year round! Blessings to you :)

  3. I have to agree, absolutely, with what Jeanette expressed above. And I would love to see that much of a snowfall here in GA, but that's a big, big IF!
    Jennifer's book sounds so inspiring, too. Even if I don't win the contest, I'll be sure to order it anyway.
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thanks for supporting Jennifer, you would love her story! An excellent read! She has a lovely blog too. Thank you for being such a faithful reader of my blog, I hope you do get the amount of snow you want! We are having a big snow day here today - that makes me happy :)

  4. Jennifer's book sounds wonderful! And I love the gift for your mother. Love. Thank you for always sharing beautiful photos and uplifting messages. Thank you also for supporting authors. Your kindness is so very appreciated.

    1. I love to bless others in every way I can, dear friend! Your writing is excellent - you should consider writing a second book :) Blessings to you!

  5. Beautiful pictures of God's creation, Marilyn! No snow where I live, but lots of wind up to 30 mph. It's dropped to 15 mph now.
    What a sweet way to remember your dad!
    That book sounds so good! I'm always encouraged by fellow sufferers who cling to God and find hope.
    God bless,

    1. It is a very encouraging story, Valentine. Jennifer and her family love and serve the Lord, and their story is how they overcame difficult financial obstacles through the Lord's help and with a lot of prayer! We are getting heavy snow here today - tis winter! Many blessings to you :)

    2. Thank you for your interest in my book, Valentine! I'd love to hear more about how you got your name. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday!

  6. This book sounds like just what my daughter and her family would benefit from. They have had much adversity and are trying to put things back together as far as relationships. I would love to win this and share it with them. Thank you for your site. Love, love, love your beautiful pictures and musical videos. God bless you!

    1. Helen, I'm sorry that you didn't win the giveaway, I know your daughter and family would be very blessed by this book! I hope you'll recommend her book to them. It is a story of a godly family working hard together and is so inspirational. Happy to meet you and look forward to getting to know you better! Many blessings to you!

    2. Thank you for your interest in my book, Helen. I'd love to hear more about your daughter's family. Feel free to connect with me through the contact form on my website anytime. Life can be hard, but God is always good!

  7. Dear Marilyn, As always your posts inspire me- maybe not yo go skiing, but the beauty of your area. The book sounds interesting and with your recommendation, I’m sure it is good. Love the lantern for your mom.

    1. Thank you Noreen, I always appreciate your visits and comments! The book is wonderful, I do highly recommend it, for anyone to get a godly perspective on unexpected financial struggles. Blessings to you dear friend!

  8. Your photos of the area around you are always just stunning!
    I love the lantern. It's a beautiful keepsake.
    The book sounds so good!

    1. YOU are the winner! So happy to see you win this book! Please email me with your mailing address, and I will get the book shipped out to you! Many blessings :)

  9. Marilyn, I always love your photos! My favorite this time is the snowy road with the trees on both sides. It took my breath away! The lantern is such a lovely way to honor your father. Please don't enter me in your lovely giveaway as I am not buying, borrowing, or accepting any books until I whittle down my very tall too-be-read pile!

    1. I have a very large book pile too, Jean! It never ends :) Thank you for your visit, and comment! Many blessings to you :)

  10. All the photos are great especially the first and fourth.

    1. Thank you Marie! The winter sunsets really offer some beautiful views!

  11. That lantern is just beautiful! What a thoughtful gift and way to remember your dear dad. I love how you promote and help to get the word out about writers and their books. You are such a dear blessing to us all, sweet friend. Praying for you and sending hugs.

    1. It makes my heart happy to be able to encourage other bloggers/writers! I appreciate your gratitude, and your precious friendship, they mean so very much to me!

    2. Yes, Marilyn was so generous to promote my book. She is a treasure! Thanks for your interest, Cheryl!

  12. You live in a breathtakingly beautiful place my friend. Your photographs are stunning.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  13. Dearest Marilyn,
    That lantern with the mini rocking chair and photo of your dear Dad is a wonderful idea and no doubt your Mom was pleased with that!
    Your Dad died a peaceful death, more like my Dad, in his chair in the garden where a jogger spotted him... Peaceful transition to their final Home.
    You certainly have breathtaking winter views with the snow covered trees and magical skies. Great photos in your videos.
    The crackling of the snow underfoot as you walk with your dog...
    Spotted mailboxes in that photo above the lantern—so that must be a snow covered road where several people live on.
    Enjoy your cross–country skiing and your surroundings!
    We just had some tornados this afternoon and wind advisory in the evening with wind gusts but no snow of course.
    You mention the book—WISH I would manage to find time to read our books, we have a home like a library and the only issue is time. Especially now when I'm not yet recovered and all we do takes so much time. My elderly husband as caretaker and me as a half invalid... But we're alive and together. Patience is a good word.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you for your precious comment, and all your insights! Yes, I do live on a country road, and I am so blessed to be able to walk on this road every day. I'm sorry to hear about the tornados, those are terrible things, they do so much damage! I appreciate your kind visits to my blog! Many blessings to you!

  14. You take the most beautiful pictures Marilyn! Your friend's book sounds lovely.

    1. Thanks Regina - I appreciate those kind words so very much. You would enjoy Jennifer's book! Blessings to you :)

    2. Thank you for your interest in my book, Regina. Marilyn is so kind to share it with her readers.

  15. Happy Wednesday morning to you Marilyn. That lantern is such a special gift for your Mom and I can see how you would like to have one too. As always, I appreciate the beautiful photos you shared of my beloved Inland Northwest. We had six inches of snow yesterday too, and although God makes beauty in it everywhere, nothing is more gorgeous than snow in the mountains.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I agree, God makes so much beauty all around us, it is incredible to see it all! But nothing more glorious than softly falling snow! We got a big snowstorm today, over a foot of snow here, which we needed. So thankful! Be safe in all your travels! Much love to you dear friend!

  16. brrrr it's cold up there! Here in Texas we're enjoying winter days but nothing like the pictures you shared. They are beautiful. The lantern is a precious reminder of your Dad, I think it's lovely. Happy New Year!

    1. I know it's been very cold in Texas, my family has told me about it! We are prepared for winter cold here, not so in Texas. The good news for you guys is that it will warm back up! Yes, I love the lantern, it is a great way to remember my dad! Happy New Year to you :)

  17. Hello, I love the gift you gave your mom. And I would have wanted one as well.
    Your photos are amazing.. as always.
    We are receiving some snow today, but we still do not have enough for skiing. Maybe by the end of the week, as we are to get snow each day thru Saturday.

    1. Hopefully you've gotten some skiing in by now, Carla! I enjoyed my ski this week - although it was very cold, subzero. I'm hoping it will warm up just a bit :) Blessings to you!

  18. Beautiful photos as usual! I'm glad you got the snow you were hoping for! We got 2 inches last night, and more coming this Friday and Saturday.. the big "dump" I guess, plus below zero temps on Sunday and Monday (so they say). I'm not looking forward to it, as I'm trying to get moved! and can't move until the weather gets better! I'm "waiting in the Lord" (although a little impatiently!). Please don't enter me in the book contest as I don't read much anymore and won't have time for a long while. I would hope for someone else to receive it and enjoy it. The lantern with the beautiful scene inside and the little rocking chair with your dad's photo, is just so precious. How sweet to send that for your mom, and for you to look at and reminisce. What a wonderful treasure to honor your Dad!
    Take care, be careful and enjoy the snow and cross country skiing! xoxo Marilyn

    1. I hope you will be able to move soon, Marilyn! We had a mild winter, until just this past week, and its turned into quite a wild affair! I am enjoying the lantern I bought for myself, I'm glad I did. It makes me smile to see it. Many blessings to you dear friend, and I am praying for a safe and smooth transition to your new home!

  19. Your winter photos are beautiful. We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow. Hopefully, it will stick around.

  20. I would love to win this book. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Happy New Year Marilyn. Precious thanks you for stopping by for her gotcha day. Your blog is always so uplifting. Even with your icy cold photos. I love your family get togethers and how you all worship together. The book looks very good but I decline to be in your giveaway because I am sure someone else will benefit from this book greatly. At my old age my husband and I are just two adult orphans. Leaves very little for us to be sorrowful about at this point in life. Which I guess is a very good blessing. I look forward to seeing many more of your posts. And good luck with your own book. Lynn and. Precious

  22. Such lovely snow pictures on your walk, and it sounds like it's really cold there. We also had snow, and I'm loving every minute of it. The lantern is a beautiful idea to put keepsakes in there and remember your dad. I love that little rocking chair. The sky photo is dazzling with color. I hope the new year brings much goodness to you, Marilyn. : )


  23. Happy new year to you and loved ones dear Marilyn!
    may it bring more health ,peace and joy to you and family!
    Happy January ! stunning images ,loved the snow fall ,despite it was not great still looks breathtaking in photos :)
    best of luck for ski !
    your sun shots are Divine Wow ! indeed this is true treatment to soul !
    the squirrel is capture beautifully as well :)
    i loved the tribute to your dear late father ! this lantern is elegant and photo within looks awesome !
    thanks for introducing the friend author .i really liked the central idea of book and i always love surviving shows and books more because the strengthen my faith in God and goodness more strongly.
    hugs and blessings

  24. beautiful winter pictures, how lovely, we have below zero temperatures here this morning , I don't like these cold temperatures anymore.
    The lantern is a wonderful idea and his photo on the chair is a great touch to it!
    You do not have to put my name into the drawing, I would rather it go to someone who loves to read!

  25. Hi...I am Shug and I have been blogging for around 13 years now. I am thankful that I came across your blog. Very inspirational and this is the exact kind of post that I enjoy reading. First of all...you have beautiful scenery in your area. Texas has a lot of beauty as well, but I would love to have snow scenes like the northern part of the US. Thank you for sharing your friends book. I look forward to checking it out. thank you again for your post and I hope you enjoy a Blessed day.

  26. Oh Marilyn, your photos are such beautiful gifts, each and every one!!! I love the lantern that you made for your mom. What a special keepsake to honor your Dad’s memory. It’s freezing here in Texas, too. The book sounds wonderful!
    I hope you have a beautiful week.

  27. This book sounds like something I would love to read. Thank you for offering to share with us. The lantern is absolutely beautiful and a great tribute to your dad. I would walk daily if I had those views.

  28. I appreciate your kind words Kim, and it makes me happy to be able to share my pictures with everyone through blogging, and videos. I hope you stay warm and cozy and have fun with all your crafting adventures - you are always inspirational! Many blessings to you :)


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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