Wednesday, October 9, 2024

This is the news we have been waiting 9 months for! Our precious Danika has safely arrived, and we couldn't be more thrilled to announce! She came into the world on October 6 at 4:33 p.m. weighing 8 pounds and 4 ounces. She has a dark head of hair, bright blue eyes with chubby little legs and neck rolls! She couldn't be more adorable and has wiggled her way into our hearts! Baby was able to nurse right away and has continued to feed well, and while Momma, our daughter, had an infection, and had to be on antibiotics, she has since recovered and is doing great.  The new little family went home yesterday, and spent the first night recuperating from all the excitement! 

I would love to share more photos, but have been asked to protect the baby's face from social media, so I know you'll understand that! This picture was taken the day after she was born, and she was just staring wide-eyed at me, and we were having the best time together! There is no feeling in the world like holding your child's child in your arms and reliving the miracle of birth all over again. It resounds in the depths of my soul with emotions that make me feel just a little "weepy". The miracle of life is astounding! She has arrived in a world full of so much sorrow and trouble, but I have prayed that the light of her presence in our midst will be one with light and blessing and joy.  Danika is God's gift to us amidst this crazy world we live in! 

Coming home Sunday night after Danika's safe arrival, a flurry of Northern Lights adorned our skies! A celebration - exhausted as we were - that God was rejoicing with us in the birth of our little one! 

The excitement continues here unabated! Our new home will arrive this Friday! Praising God for this news! 

October has been a month of blessing for us, and we just praise the Lord for it all. My heart aches for all those who have lost everything and for those in the path of the incoming hurricane today.  

Grief and joy somehow connect in life, intertwining in a way we may struggle to understand. In my own life, I have known grief and sorrow to walk with joy beside them. I was introduced to this concept as a young teenager when I read Hannah Hurnard's book "Hinds Feet on High Places." It has rang true in my life. God never allows Sorrow to walk alone, but Joy is a faithful companion. I am grateful that no matter what we face, God's grace brings joy into our journey, despite the difficulties along the way. If you've never read this book, I would highly encourage you to read it. It changed my perspective as a young child and allowed me to more fully understand why grief and joy walk together in our lives, and instead of fighting the sorrow, to look for the joy, and it will always be found, somewhere. 

Praying today for everyone whose lives have been so horribly affected by the hurricanes, fires, and other tragedies. May God's sweet joy and peace somehow bring hope into your struggles, and peace in spite of the storm. 

In honor of our precious Danika, I am once again sharing the video I made for her, and was playing this video for her when the above picture of us was taken. Danika responded to the music instantly, turning her face towards it.  When I paused the video for a phone call, she jumped and turned her head again looking for the music! When the music began to play again, she settled back into her comfort zone and was content.  The power of music and God's presence is already working in her life! 

Enjoy this video, may it be a soothing reminder that our God holds this world in His hands, and He will take care of you. 

Much love to all of you! 


  1. Dearest Marilyn,
    Congratulations to all involved with the birth of Danika!
    So glad that all is well.
    Such a Lullaby video will sooth her to sleep more often—no doubt.
    And then, it will soon be Friday...

  2. Danika's face is reflected in yours! How sweet and innocent and just baby adorable. Glad to hear Mommy is doing well. And soon you'll have your new house to have a baby party in! Praise our Lord that all is going so well for your family.

  3. So sweet, so precious. I know you'll love every moment shared with her. Joy and sorrow do go hand in hand. God helps us navigate both. Congratulations!!

  4. A precious baby born into the world, what joy! Welcome to the world, little Danika. And she already loves music! A girl after my own heart. : ) So happy for all the family, Marilyn.....and you, grandma. : )


  5. I am so thrilled for all of you. Congratulations to mom, dad and family! Precious little Danika is already so loved as she has warmed each of your hearts. Thankful that mom and baby are well and I hope they had a very good night last evening. So happy for you all, that your long awaited home will be arriving this Friday. So many Blessings surrounding you...Enjoy all of it..

  6. OH PRAISE THE LORD. He is so good!! Danika is precious and congrats to you Grammy....and to your daughter and her husband. I just love the photo and was wondering if she was born yet. I"m so glad I logged into my blog today.
    Hinds Feet on High Places is a book I read in College and how I wish I still had my copy. I think maybe I will put that on my Xmas list as I want to re-read it. It really changed my life as well.
    Thank you for sharing this joyful news.


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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