Golden Tipped Trees

Thursday, February 13, 2014

One evening a week or so ago, the sun was setting, and creating a dramatic picture outside my door.  I grabbed my camera.  It seemed as if the treetops had been dipped in glittering gold paint and were sparkling and shimmering in the late afternoon rays of the sun, while the clouds painted a dark, chaotic backdrop.

It looked as if the trees had been dipped into a huge pot of gold paint... an incredible scene to behold!

It seemed as if the very clouds themselves were dancing with joy at the beauty of the moment spread out before me!

The different shades of the trees as the rays of the sun played games across my horizon with the clouds...

The stately Douglas Fir remaining untouched by the gold paintbrush, against the backdrop of the whirling dark clouds...

What beauty and majesty have touched these trees that they appear to have turned into pure gold!

The sun was fading quick, and the darkness was quickly upon us.  But just for a few moments, my world was enriched by the beauty of the golden trees!

Here is another random event that I wanted to share with you. We were taking a drive into town on a very icy/snow-covered road.  The sun had somewhat melted the snow, and then it had refroze again, and it was slow going on these treacherous roads.

As we arrived in town, the recent cold snap that we had had created ice buildup that almost completely covered the river.

We've lived here several years, and we've not seen the ice freeze up in the river like this before.

As we continued our drive, I spotted this fellow up in a tree.  By the time I got my camera out, I didn't have time to zoom in for a close-up... but you can see this stately eagle perched here close to the river, no doubt scanning the waters for his next meal...

It was a rather grey, overcast day... and not the best day for snapping pictures... but since this is a random post of random events... I'll share these random mountain shots with you...

The world had taken on a silverish-gray color, and with the ice forming on the water... everything was colored in shades of gray.

The trees had frost still on them from the cold, and everything was shrouded in grey loveliness.

And, just so you'll know that the "golden tree" sunset was unusual... this is another sunset that took place... and although it wasn't quite as spectacular, I still loved the stark contrast between the dark trees, and the brilliant blue sky.

The shows that nature puts on through the creative handiwork of our Master Artist, never ceases to amaze me, and I live every day very thankful for all the blessings HE has put in our world for us to enjoy!

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