September Frost Visits the Garden

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It is inevitable, I know that! But there is a mourning when it does happen. Every Fall season, when the frost warnings sound, I gather the harvest as much as possible and pray for the best. But at some point, the plants succumb to Frost's onslaught, and harvest season has come to a time of rest - that is, after the harvest has been gathered and put up for winter's enjoyment. Thankfully... my sunflowers survived the freeze - hardy souls that they are, and are still blooming away! 

The Northern Lights continue to fascinate us lately! There have been many nights that we can see them faintly. I was able to get some pictures one night as they were out around 8 p.m.  Always such a treat to see them! 

The moon danced with the aurora - what a sight it was to see! 

The skies have been full of delightful scenes of which I never tire of seeing! 

Do you see what I saw in the sky early one morning this week? A face blowing kisses in the wind! 

A view of the marina in Sandpoint... 

Evening skies full of brilliant color! 

My garden one day last week, just before the freeze... 

The pad where our new home will sit.  Hopefully, it will be arriving within the next couple of weeks, as we have received word to that end. Prayers continue that all goes well with the transition :) 

We give glory to the Lord for the amazing views He affords us in the skies above us! 

I picked part of this bouquet from my garden and filled in with some carnations from the store to add a bit of color, since most of my blooms were frozen. This bouquet was given to a dear friend for her birthday. 

I just finished this video as excitement builds in our hearts for the newest little one coming very soon - any day now! You will definitely hear from me when that moment comes! But for now, I've created this video of lullaby music from Natalie Raynes, an artist I love and admire her passion for the Lord and music. You can find more of her work on She has just released this CD of her beautiful piano music with rain/wind undertones to enjoy with children, for quiet time worship, or sleeping. I hope you will enjoy it! 

Psalm 36:5-10
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens;
and thy faithfulness 
reacheth unto the clouds.
Thy righteousness is like the majestic mountains;
thy judgments are a great deep:
O LORD, thou preservest man and beast. 
How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God!
Therefore the children of men put their trust 
under the shadow of thy wings. 
They shall be abundantly satisfied 
with the fatness of thy house; 
and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. 
For with thee is the fountain of life: 
in thy light shall we see light. 
O continue thy lovingkindness 
unto them that know thee; 
and thy righteousness 
to the upright in heart.

Happy Fall Blessings to each of you! 


  1. Good luck with your new home. The Northern Lights were a great capture,

  2. I would love to see the Northern Lights!

  3. Such beautiful skies, thank you for sharing them here.

    All the best Jan

  4. Dearest Marilyn,
    You certainly have spectacular views of the Northern Lights!
    Wishing you all the best with the arrival of your new home.

  5. Prayers for safe delivery for the new baby and your new home, Marilyn. Oh, how delightful and full of God's wonders your photos are! His glory surrounds you all in spectacular ways. Blessings always!

  6. So exciting to have a new one on the way. Be sure to post pictures. We know that Frost is coming but it always seems to come just before we finish our harvest. Glad you got most of yours done. Your photos of the Northern Lights and the sky are beautiful AND I love the one with the cloud blowing kisses is Awesome. I know you all are so excited for your new home...You will definitely have to post photos.

  7. We also had frost one night last week when we were camping in the Black Hills. That's also when we ran out of propane for our heater, but we were snug as a bug in a rug in our bed with lots of quilts. Dennis got the propane refilled right away in the morning.
    You have so many exciting things happening in your life. Your brand new home. Your brand new grandbaby to be born. Brand new skies every night showing the Glory of the LORD.
    Thank you for the music too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Your pictures brought to my mind the verse The Heavens declare the Glory of the Lord. And they surely do. These are sure exciting times for your family.
    What a sweet video. 💗

  9. oh Marilyn. THANK YOU for this video. tears streaming down my face as i listen because i am so missing my precious parents this morning. these songs remind me of childhood in my herkimer NY free methodist church and my soul is just yearning to see my precious daddy day!! they are both praising wiht Jesus right now. I'm going to listen to this video while i clean the kitchen.

    Will pray for your little miracle to have a safe entrance into the world and that all will go well with your daughter. (if i'm remembering correctly she's due in early October??)

    LOVE your photos as always and wow...eastern NY hasn't had frost yet. been far too warm. although today we are getting much needed rain. i'm ok with it. a cozy day for the Scriptures, this music and my hot herbal tea. :)

  10. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. And thank you for the beautiful Psalm 38. Prayers for the new baby coming and for the new house.

  11. Yes, I saw the clouds with a face right away. It's one of my favorite things to do, look for faces and shapes in the clouds. So sorry frost came upon your garden, and that you had to gather all the harvest quickly for the season. You have a garden that gives you an abundance of foods. The evening skies are so pretty. Saying a prayer for the arrival of your house, dear Marilyn, and that all goes well and smoothly.



Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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