Benefits of Orange Oil for Leg Swelling

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I recently personally have benefited from making my own orange oil.  Normally orange oil is made using vodka, but I decided to go a little different route, and I simply used olive oil to soak my dried orange peelings in.  I covered the orange peelings with the oil, and then set them a warm sunny place for a couple of weeks.

Then I strained the oil from the orange peelings, and poured the oil into a glass jar.  I realized that the strength of the orange oil may not be as potent as if it had been done with vodka, but I was okay with that.  My plans were to use the orange oil for simple purposes around the house, and with cooking.  

What I didn't realize when I made the orange oil was how effective it would also be as a massage oil. 

This past week, I developed some swelling in my lower legs, mostly my right leg.  This is not unusual for me, as my home based business keeps me sedentary a good part of the day, and sometimes I experience some swelling in my leg towards evening.  However, after having swelling in both  my legs, to the point where it hurt to put on shoes, I realized I needed to do something more than what I had been doing.

I did some research online regarding the use of essential oils, and natural treatments to see what I could try to help with the swelling.  I found that Young Living recommended using tangerine oil for swelling.

Since I did not have access to tangerine oil, but did have some of my own orange oil, I decided to come up with a regimen for the swelling in my legs, and see what happened.

My basic "recipe" for the massage oil consisted of the following:
1 tbsp orange oil (my own)
1 drop Peppermint oil
1 drop Lemongrass oil (I also used some Young Living Lemon Oil samples that a friend lent me)
1 drop Lavender oil
1 drop Thieves oil

I mixed these oils together and massaged into my legs both morning and night.  By the end of the first day I had noted marked improvement in my legs, as they didn't feel so tight, and they hurt much less.  By the second day, even though I had woken up in the morning with some swelling, it was much less, and by the third day, the swelling was completely gone.  This morning I woke up to no swelling, and have worn shoes all day, and have experienced no swelling.  This is a big improvement for me, and I'm really thankful to have found a combination of oils that will help the swelling.

I certainly don't claim to be a medical adviser, but I just wanted to share the simple health benefit that I received from this massage oil combination.

Have you tried essential oils?  What has been your favorite oil, or oil combination?


  1. I have not tried them but I really appreciate your information on them. I do believe that oils can soothe a lot of ills. xo Diana

    1. Yes, they have amazing healing properties, of which I have so much to learn!

  2. Thanks for posting this! I have some leg swelling too.

    1. Seems to be a fairly common struggle, and I'm glad I've found something to help!

  3. Very interesting. I haven't had ankle swelling for quite awhile, but if I do this is something worth a try. I bet it smells wonderful. xxx ~ Nancy

  4. I like the Thieves oil. I put it in a spray bottle with water and spray around the house to keep the germs away. Thanks for this recipe for leg swelling. :-)

    1. I LOVE the Thieves oil! It smells just divine! I haven't tried the spray bottle yet, but I have heard of doing that. You have inspired me to try that! Have a blessed day, and thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. I love that some of this is made from cast off peels! Thank you for sharing your experience. I love hearing how to make do with what we have and to heal our bodies is even better. Thank you for sharing this at the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week! I will keep this in mind when we get more oranges in :)

    1. Yes, it is a wonderful way to use up the orange peels! I love visiting your site, as there is always so much wonderful information there :)


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