God's Christmas Lights in the Skies!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December - that  month of short days and longer nights

Dark clouds of gray overshadow the sun's light

This time of year can be full of drear

But at dawn and dusk God's paintbrush brings cheer!

Filling the skies with rosy purpled form

Its lights wave and dance, streaming in song

Dappled in colors, oh the feast for my eyes

God's Christmas Lights - rejoicing in the skies! 

 ~ Marilyn Moseley  ~

December 17, 2023 

Oh the dreary days we have had - lots of fog, and low lying clouds. But then - this past week, the early morning skies filled with such brilliant color - my heart was overwhelmed! 

I rise early - usually about 5 to 5:30 each morning. It's my time to spend in prayer with the Lord, and to drink my black coffee, and get my heart ready for the day.  The chickens wait patiently for me to come and feed them. The skies that morning began to shine with an unusual brilliance as I walked to the chicken coop at about 7 a.m. 

To the east, the skies began to fill with a radiant orange streaming warmth. I hurried with my chicken chores so that Riley and I could leave for our walk. 

Glory in the skies! 

Another sunset this past week... leaving glorious reflections off the hood of my truck. 

This past week was quite busy with all the Christmas parties that were happening! It is so wonderful to be able to fellowship with like-minded believers! 

Another keto sheet pan meal that we loved - full of Christmas colors too! Sausage and vegetable bake. No potatoes! Just sausage, and various veggies (red pepper, jalapeno, zucchini, cauliflower, and butternut squash). 


In this last week before Christmas, my preparations are few. Thankfully most of the little bit of shopping that we do has been done.  Our children will be joining us on Christmas Day, and we look forward to that very much. This entire holiday season has been bittersweet for me - I miss my Gram, my Dad, and Mom Moseley. The loss of their presence aches within our souls.  So we are incorporating that grief into our days, and are accepting of it. 

I found a little cardinal birdhouse that sings Merry Christmas whenever anyone walks by. My Gram and Dad loved birds especially the cardinals that regularly visited them.  So this Christmas, I have a little reminder of them in my holiday decor - which isn't much, since we live in such a tiny space.  

I'll leave you today with the newest music video I've created from one of my favorite Christmas songs, Mary, Did You Know.  I hope it is a blessing to you, and that you will recognize some of the beautiful images that I've shared with you today. 

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice! 
Jesus is alive today
God's artistry in the skies
A message of His love displayed
And the presence of Jesus 
born 2000 years ago we celebrate
Alive within our hearts always!  

~ MM ~

Many blessings to all of you! 



  1. Spectacular! God is just an amazing artist!
    I've seen some beautiful sunrises as I head into work in the morning in the last 2 weeks also.
    My Dad passed in April, my stepmom just 1 1/2 weeks ago, so we are missing them during these special times. But what joy to know they are whole again and with the Lord!

  2. Oh Marilyn! Those photos are spectacular! And thank you for the video to Mary, Did You Know? It's my favorite Christmas song. I'm sorry that you have the sadness along with your Christmas. I remember the first Chrismas without my Mom. I was only 29 when she passed away and every holiday the following year was hard. I still miss her after 34 Christmas's without her. But I know where she is and I will see her again very soon. The same with my dear father-in-law that passed 24 years ago. Life is so hard sometimes, but God sends us His beauty to remind us of His Glory and what has been promised to us someday.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family my dear friend.
    Blessings and love,

  3. Thank you Marilyn for inviting me in to see your lovely dinner and share your skies. Mary Did You Know is probably my favorite Christmas song and would love to hear it year round. Jesus Christ being born, how fortunate we are it happened. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Lynn and Precious

  4. what beautiful pictures!! I love the 6th one down the very best. That's also one of my very fave Christmas songs but i do NOT like this version. I do love your photos for the video though!! :) My fave version i think is pentatonix's version. followed by the Christian singer Danny Gokey

  5. These photos are nothing short of breathtaking, Marilyn! God's majesty fills the skies with hope and promises kept. May we open our eyes anew to His glory.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  6. We've had some spectacular sunsets recently too. Always enjoy your perspective, my friend!!! Much love to you and yours :)

  7. God's skies are beautiful, indeed. I'm an early riser too, Marilyn, and I used to be able to see the sunrises in my old town, but here in the mountains, they are covered with the surrounding pines, so I have to drive out to the road to see them. Love all the purples and pinks in the skies you have shared today. And that spread looks delicious. Your cardinal birdhouse sounds delightful. I know you are missing your loved ones at Christmastime, and I'm sending a hug of comfort and love.


  8. How wonderful to be able to see such unobstructed views of the Sunrise and Sunset. Glorious skies that seem to be alive. Sounds like you are having a meaningful time to reflect on all that Christmas means to us as believers. It is good to celebrate with 'like minded' folk. It always seems that conversation and joy goes deeper in that type of crowd. Joy and grief...something that will always be intermingled on this earth. May God's love and grace comfort you as you miss your loved ones.

  9. Such incredibly beautiful skies. Have a Merry Christmas with your loved ones. GM

  10. You enjoyment of nature inspires me to get out there too, Marilyn. Thank you.

  11. Dearest Marilyn,
    Lovely poem and lovely sky photos by you!
    Wishing you a peaceful Advent going into Christmas.

  12. Your photos are gorgeous. Thank You for sharing. Wishing you a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. Love your poem! What beautiful colors God paints!!!!!
    Prayers for continued comfort for your family and that you all have a blessed Christmas!

  14. Oh, Marilyn. You are so right in your description. Glory!! That's the only word for it..Beautiful..Merry Christmas..xxoJudy

  15. Marilyn, all I can say is WOW, what beauty, a true gift from God. Thank you for sharing it with us. HE is so good to us, to give us such beauty all around us to soak in.
    Praying for your family during this season.
    Love, Carla

  16. Oh Marilyn you captured such beauty! God was surely painting that day! It looks like He splashed all those colors onto the sky, without forethought! You are so lucky to be able to see those stunning sunrises and sunsets. I don't get up that early, but I'm up late so sometimes, if I look to the west (from my house that has NO west facing windows!) I catch a pretty pink and yellow sunset now and then. Even in this super dry and arid climate, the skies can be amazing!
    That song is one of my favorites too. I heard it years ago, probably around 1996, by a group of singers out of Portland, Oregon. They were traveling around putting on An Old Fashioned Christmas musicals and that was one of their songs. I had heard it years before that, but they did it so beautifully I bought their CD, and listen to it every year! Wynonna Judd sang a wonderful version of it on her Christmas special this year in early December. I love her, and she sang it so soulfully I had many tears!
    I'm sorry you are missing your loved ones.... it's hard during the holidays when we have such good memories of them from the past. My mom has been gone for 22 years now and she is so in my heart at Christmas. She loved it so much! My dad would just sit back and enjoy it, and let her do most of the work! I found out years later, that he DID help her alot, but us girls just never knew!
    Take care and be blessed this holiday!
    Hugs.. Marilyn

  17. Oh my such beauty in those skies, when they look like that I feel God is smiling down on us either to say good morning or have a nice restful sleep! Your bird house sounds very nice and a great reminder to have! Wishing you peace this season!

  18. So beautiful! Early morning is my favorite time of day, too. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Marilyn!

  19. Wow Marilyn, your photos are so gorgeous. Look at those beautiful skies. I am happy to feature your lovely post at Love Your Creativity. Merry Christmas and many blessings.

  20. Dear, sweet friend, I feel so bad that I am so slow in getting here to read this beautiful post! Your photos are absolutely stunning! My heart goes out to you so much as you miss your dear loved ones. I surely understand and trust God will comfort you in every moment of sorrow. I hope you and Dan had a sweet Christmas, in spite of the heavy grief you are walking through. Sending much love to you today.

  21. Beautiful photographs you've shared here, thank you.

    Sending my good wishes and as it's after Christmas now, I take the opportunity to wish you a happy New Year.

    All the best Jan


Your comments are blessings to me, and I appreciate each and every one, they are precious to me! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog... this is what makes blogging worthwhile! Have a blessed day!


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